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tv   Eyewitness News at 6  CBS  November 7, 2013 6:00pm-7:00pm EST

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police say they are to blame for years of bloody violence. and drug trafficking. >> reporter: for the first time, authorities revealed the names of dozens of suspected black guerrilla family gang members. police say these criminals were operating in the greenmount neighborhood. and this morning, police and federal atf agents swept through that area, arresting dozens of suspected members of the notorious gang. >> reporter: they are responsible for the vast majority of the violence, the death, the destruction that is happening in our communities. for us, within our organization, they are our target. this is where we start destabilizing them. this is where we start cutting the head off of this organized group and bringing them to justice. >> reporter: investigators connected the gang and its associates to at least 13 murders and 12 nonfatal shootings, primarily in the greenmount corridor, dating as far back as 2005. they all face charges under maryland's gang law, passed in 2011. greggregg bernstein said this
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investigates. >> by charging the defendants under this statute, we can charge the gang members together as a group. and present to the jury at trial. each of the overt acts, in furtherance of the gang activity. so that the jury understands the the full mosaic of these defendants' swath of terror, as they cut through the greenmount area. >> the arrest welcomed neighborhoods that for long were underseas. >> we get tired of the deaths and the murders and robberies and all the stuff that is going on. it's good to hear some good news sometimes. >> reporter: as of late this afternoon, police say they were still trying to track down and arrest 15 of the suspected black guerrilla family gang members. we're live, derek valcourt, wjz eyewitness news. >> derek, thank you. police promise this is not the end of their efforts to crack down on what is left of
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the black guerrilla family here in baltimore. crime concerns in towson. for the third time this week. police are investigating a robbery. mare sein the -- mary is in the newsroom with more on what happened. >> police are not say figure this time, the victim is a student. but the robbery upon in the same general area. earlier this morning, a woman was walking on fairmount avenue, near towson gate drive, when a tan nissan drove up. two men got out and demanded a woman's purse. she was not hurt. this follows the robberies this week of a towson university student in a goucher college student. the towson student was stabbed in that robbery. he's in serious condition. back to you. >> all right. thank you, mary. both baltimore county police and towson university police are stepping up patrols in the crar. students and residents are upperred to always be aware of their surroundings and walk in groups if possible. >> reporter: a former priest and teacher at a baltimore catholic high school is being accused of sexually abusing a student. father michael calojay worked
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at the high school from 1975 to 1979. a former student said colojay abused him on several occasions. the archdiocese is not aware of any other abuse allegations. the priest who worked previously in georgia is now suspended from public ministry. a bold move by the fda. for the first time, they admit, transfats in foods are unsafe. now, the agency is considering banning the substance from store shelves. it's a move many local restaurants agree with. well, gigi, new york was the first state to get rid of transfatsfat. baltimore followed suit in 2009. now, the fda may be headed down the same path. >> reporter: years after several major u.s. cities, including baltimore, banned transfats from restaurants, the food and drug administration is joining the move against transfats, calling them unsafe. now, the agency is considering a nationwide ban on the artery-
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clogging oils. >> there's absolutely no redeeming quality to transfats. and there's every reason in the world to get them off our shelves. >> reporter: transfats are considered the worst kind of oil for your heart. they're tasty in muffins and cookies and allow those products to last longer on store shelves. but researchers have linked the oils to a higher risk of heart attack and other diseases. >> they actually increase inflammation throughout the body, some we haven -- which we have seen as a precursor for many diseased entities. >> i'm surprised it took so long. >> reporter: the cooks at jimmy's restaurant in fells point made the healthy switch five years ago, months after baltimore banned transfats in restaurants. owner jimmy phillipides said some of the customers asked for it back then. he believes the fda will make a swift move to get the ban in place. >> i have no doubt it will be approved. i have no doubt. people are too health conscious.
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and these transfatses have been linked with a lot of serious issues. >> reporter: and this fda ban is not a done deal just yet. over the next 60 days, the agency will talk to food industry expertsperts and health experts to get their take on this. a full, nationwide ban, though, could take a few years. denise, back to you. >> all right. thank you, gigi. researchers say about 20,000 heart attacks can be prevented every year, just by removing transfats from processed foods. the former owner of the senator theater accuses the state of assault. state senator joan carter conway slapped him last week. carter-conway denies the allegations. keith arbor recorded incident and posted it on you tube. a state's attorney's office will determine if charges will be filed. high drama in annapolis today. wjz is live in annapolis right
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now. pat warren has been watching today's vote count. pat? >> that's right, vic. they started at 9:00 this morning, counting absentee and provisional ballots. and it appears, the longer they go, the more complicated the process becomes. >> reporter: accepting or rejecting voters' ballots. >> i would make rejection on the ballot. >> anduts the-- and puts the annapolis mayor's race at stake. what's happening now is more complicated than you'd think. >> well is no on ballot board member present. however, the envelope is sealed. >> reporter: lawyers for both mayoral candidates stand over the shoulders of elections officials, determining if it's absentee or provisional ballots are valid. the republican challenger, mike pandalides, leads by 100 votes. but democrat, josh cohen, has
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the democrats outfebruary -- outnumbering, 2-1. >> they have also been removed by voters. >> i know it's been a slow, arduous process. i don't know they're going to stay, stay all night and go through it. >> some annapolis voters, discontented with high water bills and plans to renovate the beloved city dock, seem to have put personal preferences above the party. which is why they ended with an 84-vote lead for pantalides. and this cliff hanger for the city. >> and at this point, there are still 197 ballots that are being challenged. i'm pat warren, reporting live from annapolis, back to you on tv hill. >> pat, thank you. both candidates are optimistic about the outcome. a cool, windy evening in our area. so windy, in fact, there are win warnings on the bay bridge right now. you can really see the breeze whipping through this field. and kicking up waves from the bay bridge.
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aside from the wind. this beautiful sunset orange was spotted a short time ago by sky eye chopper 13. let's take a live look outside now. no sunshine. the wind definitely getting chiller. meteorologist tim williams and bob turk are updating temperatures and those winds. >> take a quick look at radar. rain we saw around 10:00, 11:00, noon, 1:00. way offshore. you can see it's moved quickly out of here. we've only got 5/100ths of an inch of rain. and cooler temperatures are coming in with those breezes. we're down to 50 now. 34, oakland. 57, ocean city. dew points are back in the mid- 30s, which means we'll get down into the mid-30s tonight. itle -- it will feel chilly. just a few spots have winds more than 5 to 15, 10 miles an hour, you can see. we're down to 8 here. but on some of those bridges, the high-elevation bridges, the winds are still 20 to 25 miles per hour. tim is in the outback.
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tim has a look at what we have coming. still a breeze out there. you can see it. through tomorrow and the weekend. >> certainly, this breeze comes and goes. and if you're going to be out any period of time, definitely you'll need the jacket. if you're going to be out tomorrow, it's going to be a little blustery. front that moved through here has wiped out the temperatures in the 50s. and we'll see the temperatures really drop, probably 10 degrees colder tomorrow than today. the jet stream is high up now. it's keeping some of the cold, arctic blast, well up to our north. but that jet is expected to drop far enough that we'll start to see a bit of a drop, heading into the middle of next week. in the meantime, we'll expect to see sunshine, just breezy conditions and a good bit of blue sky, heading into your weekend. bob will have your complete updated first warning forecast coming up in a moment. but sending it back inside. >> thank you, tim. the height. washington monument. surveyors are making sure it is still 555-feet tall following
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the wake in 2011. the quake may have caused the monument to sink into the ground a bit. surveyors can only access it with scaffolding. results will be available in about three months. my question is, where do you get a tape measure that big? >> and i guess that's helmet cam. otherwise, i can't imagine looking down like that. still ahead. searching for clues. new footage is released from inside the gym, where a georgia teen died under mysterious circumstances. what it showed and why it's prompting new questions. the secret life of a killer. i'm linh bui. coming up on wjz, a new book takes an in-depth look at one of the most notorious murderers in maryland. we sit down with the author. the maryland food bank is gearing up for the holidays. i'm monique griego. coming up. how they're going to help a
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record number of families. clear skies and a brisk breeze. blowing outside tonight. will things get cooler in the coming days? your complete first warning weather forecast is coming up. ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
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it's 57 degrees and the complete first warning weather forecast is coming up. >> numbers are startling and troubling. a woman makes the 200th person
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killed in baltimore city this year. wjz is live in city police headquarters. rochelle ritchie spoke with city police commissioner about the crime and what really needs to be done. rochelle? >> despite dozens of arrests and guns being taken off the streets of baltimore, the murder rate continues to rise. >> reporter: 26-year-old davon ferguson is under arrest. upper fells point. >> he was upset because one of the bahrain brothers had spoken to his girlfriend. >> reporter: his arrest comes just as baltimore city reaches its 200th murder this year. >> these crimes are committed by people who shouldn't have guns. >> reporter: this morning, a woman died after being shot on the 1500 block of west baltimore street. >> when communities don't feel safe, it bothers me. it troubles me when children die on our streets. it keeps me up at night. >> today, they expressed their frustration with a blood bath on city streets.
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>> am i angry about it? i'm beyond angry about it. >> reporter: 200 murders a year bad. but baltimore city hasn't seen much progress in the last few years. in 2011, 198 were killed. in spons to the crime, baltimore city police placed more officers on the streets. and the mayor added two additional prosecutors to the state's attorney's office. so why aren't the murder numbers going down? >> i do think people will get frustrated. >> police commissioner anthony batts says, in order to rock for good, the process of justice has to change. >> we should have mandatory sentences. and one of the things i'm going to change at the state level is actually changing those laws. >> reporter: and the police commissioner went on to say that his department concontinues to -- continues to change its strategy, as criminals adapt to. it's been two years since baltimore has had less than 200
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murders. a sekill sill county fire department -- cecil county fire department is mourning the death of one of its own. a 13-year veteran passed away today. bar was struck nearly two weeks ago. funeral arrangements were still being planned at this time. tonight, an in-depth look at one of the most notorious murders in 2011. a woman brutally killed a woman in lulu lemon store. wjz is live. linh bui sat down with the author. >> reporter: denise, this case got national attention. now, a new book details the double life of the killer. >> reporter: a gruesome murder and elaborate cover-up. jeanne murray and britney norwood worked at the lulu lemon store. prosecutors confronted norwood about this. they say norwood attacked
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murray with five different weapons upon. >> not only were details horrific. but this was also an affluent suburb. >> detectives say they covered up the killings, stabbing herself, but her story quickly fell apart. >> that became a really interesting twist, in a case that was already really being followed. >> reporter: dan morris covered the case for the washington post. and just released his book, the murder. he released thousands of texts on his phone, revealing the secret life of the killer. >> you can see the secrets and dark side she had. there were sort of two sides to her. this nice, bubbly side. then there was a side that something in her would allow her to do something like this. >> reporter: he found no indications of violence in norwood's past. but experts said she had the classic markers of a psychopath. >> it wasn't just that she had rage. she wanted to kill her. >> murray was extremely close
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to her family, who struggled to speak after the trial. >> grief is always with you. there's always an ache in your heart for your daughter. however, there are all of these moments of laughter, when you remember all the fun things you did together. >> reporter: norwood was convicted of first-degree murder and sentenced to life in prison, without parole. reporting live, linh bui, wjz eyewitness news. >> thank you, linh. the yoga store murder was released tuesday and available on amazon. an alarming new report from nasa out today. keep your eyes on the skies. scientists initial low thought that the meteor that exploded over western russia city last year was an anomaly. but they are now saying that such incidents are 10 times more likely to happen than previously thought. nasa is assessing what size space rocks to look for and what can be done about them. >> you look up, you see. then what do you do? >> duck and cover.
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>> i know, right. >> you can see the damage. that thing wasn't even that big. and it caused damage. let's take a look. shock wave that it causes. take a look at temps and conditions. it's a cooler night than we've seen the last few days. temperature, 50. we'll come back and take a look at a cool and breezy, but sunny end to the week after th,,,,,,,,
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♪ hey, that's the last crescent! oh, did you want it? yeah. we'll split it. [ female announcer ] made fresh, so light, buttery and flakey. that's half. that's not half! guys, i have more. thanks, mom. [ female announcer ] do you have enough pillsbury crescents? so i should probably get the last roll... yeah but i practiced my bassoon. [ mom ] and i listened. [ brother ] i can do this. [ imitates robot ] everyone deserves ooey, gooey, pillsbury cinnamon rolls. make the weekend pop.
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here's a live look outside now. ravens stadium. getting ready for a game on sunday. nice weather. >> weather looks pretty good. temperatures upper 50s. a lot of sunshine. nice football weather really. just about average this time of year. so you're dressed for that. if you're in the sun, it won't be so bad. in the shade, a little cool. right now, down to 58 degrees. it has cooled down a lot since yesterday. around the rest of the region, 34 just above freezing in oakland. locally, temperatures upper 40s now. so it's getting cooler as the evening progresses. and as the breeze in some areas, top 15 to 20 miles an hour. that's headaching it feel a lot cooler than the actual temperature. in fact, 50 with a breeze of 10. feels like 46. so if you're going out, dress for temperatures in the 40s, primarily this evening. rain offshore. just ending there in boston, east of providence now. all of that, with the front that came through the region. we only had 5/100ths of an inch of rain at the airport. north of the city. a few spots picked up 10 to
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15/100ths of an inch. most of the energy was well to our north. a little light rain shower, breaking out right now in northern p.a. and up across northern new york state. they'll probably see a couple of snow showers as the evening is done. and they continue to get cold. these are all false echoes. no precip showing across our region. the front extending to georgia and alabama. came through that region. you can see it moved quickly offshore, as a big bubble of high pressure that is fair weather moves in from the great lakes. but the winds causing a little snow there in upper michigan. just cold enough for some of that. this is that lake-effect snow. the lakes are warm. and cold air over it, picks up that moisture and drops it on that side of the lake. in the form of snoaf flakes. so north of the state. just a few rain showers. all of the clouds now, pretty much gone through the region. front came through the area. solewe'll be followed by this cooler trend for a couple of days. but by sunday, this high moves a little further to the
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southeast. and that means warmer air here on sunday and monday. then it's going to turn cold again by the middle of next week. could be temperatures only in the 40s for highs, by the way. winds on the bay, gusting to 25 knots. and a small craft advisory. through friday. bay temp around 58 degrees. overnight tonight, mid- to upper 30s, with generally clear to partly cloudy skies. and a breeze from time to time. low 50s tomorrow. the sunshine, however, felt pretty good. but it will be breezy once again. temperatures tomorrow, running about 5 degrees below average for your friday. >> thank you, bob. the maryland food bank is once again, gearing up for a busy holholiday season. this time, it's on track to help more families than ever. monique griego has more from the facility. most here at the maryland food bank worked for companies that raised money to buy the food. and in just one day, they'll pack nearly 20,000 boxes for needy families. >> reporter: an assembly line,
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hundreds of volunteers, feverishly gathered to give back by preparing holiday boxes. >> they'll be sent out to people across the state, along with a 14-pound turkey for a great holiday meal. >> reporter: deborah flightman, president and ceo of the maryland food bank, said this year, they raised $260,000 through corporate sponsors for the pack to give back program. that money bought in -- brought in enough food for the boxes. and the companies then asked their employees to come help pack them up. >> it's nice to help out during the holiday season. >> reporter: boxes are filled. like cranberry sauce and stuffing. and once they leave, they'll pair up with the turkey, before heading to a family. >> i think it's wonderful. i think it is a box that anyone would hope and -- would open and be happy to receive. >> they're providing an opportunity for families to come together. to make a meal. and to really provide a special time. >> reporter: the other maryland food banks, participating in today's event, are in wicomico,
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and washington county. reporting from hale thorpe, wjz eyewitness news. >> food for the boxes was covered by sponsors by the bunting family foundation. the baltimore orioles, cs&and the grainger foundation. >> very good. stim to come tonight on wjz eyewitness news. bullying bombshell. a new twist in this scandal, involving two miami dolphins football players. the surprising claims being made against management. the fbi shut it down once. so is this a second light for the website. selling illegal drugs and guns. i'm mary bubala. we'll take a look. too many alcohol ads, reaching too many young people. that's what a new study, from johns hopkins researchers is showing. i'm christie ileto. and i'll explain, when wjz returns.,,,,,,,,
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we all have our little tricks. mom swaps one of my snacks for a yoplait. i don't mind, i mean it's orange crème. and when mom said bobby was too edgy... 'sup girl. i just swapped him out for tyler. 'sup girl.
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mom never questioned bobby again. two can play at this game. [ female announcer ] swap one snack a week for a yoplait. and everybody wins. yoplait. it is so good. so if ydead battery,t tire, need a tow or lock your keys in the car, geico's emergency roadside assistance is there 24/7. oh dear, i got a flat tire. hmmm. uh... yeah, can you find a take where it's a bit more dramatic on that last line, yeah? yeah i got it right here. someone help me!!! i have a flat tire!!! well it's good... good for me. what do you think? geico. fifteen minutes could save you fifteen percent or more on car insurance.
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we're about 25 seconds away from 6:30. it's 50 degrees and clear in central maryland right now. good evening. thank you for staying with wjz. here are some of the stories people are talking about tonight.
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miami dolphins players are coming forward, to say the bullying allegations, aimed at richie incognito don't make sense. this as the nfl investigates a lawyer. jarica duncan has the latest for wjz. >> reporter: miami dolphins' offensive lineman, richie incognito, and jonathan martin played side by side to protect the quarterbacks. by all accounts, players say they seem to get along. >> reporter: richie said, jonathan is like my little brother. i think that's an accurate depiction. he was the first one there to have his back in any situation. >> martin led the attack, accusing incognito of threatening him. using voice mails racial slurs. the dolphins suspended incogcognito without pay. >> if the review reveals anything that needs to be corrected, we will take all necessary measures to fix it,
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to ensure that this doesn't happen again. >> reporter: cbs sports special correspondent james brown said nfl locker rooms are not chapels, but what happened in miami went too far. >> the use of racial epithat thes, derogatory language by the man and his mother, by any stretch of the imagination is not to be condoned. >> martin said his son -- martin's father said his son is strong and is doing fine. martin told the miami general manager about the way he was being treated, the gm allegedly told martin, he should punch incognito. president obama is apologizing to americans tonight. the president says he is sorry, some americans are losing their health insurance plans in the wake of the healthcare overall. for years, opamma told americans, if they like their healthcare, they could keep it. but millions are receiving cancellation notices in the mail, after insurance companies
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changed their plans because of obama care. newly released surveillance video seems to raise more questions than answers in the case of a south florida teenager, found dead in a rolled-up matt. >> some called it accidental. but the parents believe their son was murdered. johnson is seen walking in and out of frame. it appears to skip ahead. there are no time stamps. but the sheriff's office say his is the raw, unedited image. >> police say kendrick crawled into the gym mat other reached for a shaw, got stuck and suffocated. >> prosecutors say federal authorities plan to investigate the circumstances surrounding kendrick juns's death. five weeks ago, the fib shut down what it called an
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extensive criminal marketplace. how the black market site could soon be resurrected. >> a website selling illug drugs and -- illegal drugs and guns am but tonight, it may be finding new life. >> the new site has a new look. offering up items of illegal drugs. on sunday, they announced, silk road is back up. deja vu, anyone? we rise again. >> this could be a gigantic scam. >> fran burkeman says the person running the new site, claims to be registering 1,000 users per hour. >> it's more than justice a website. it's -- it's -- it's a cause. and they're really invested in it. can they really want to see it succeed. >> reporter: silk road first launched in 2011, as an underground website, where users could browse anonymously for drugs. they paid in hard-to-track cyber currency, called bit coin. it was, with a black
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market bent, selling heroin and cocaine, as well as guns and fake ids. after a two-year investigation, the fbi shut the site down last month. and arrested its suspected operator. 29-year-old ross ulbrick, who is also charged in maryland for murdering and torture of a witness. but the new western -- person running silk road claims to be taking the high road. tweeting silk road, while under my watch, will never harm a soul. if we did, then we are no better than the thugs on the street. if the new site is legit, customers are expected to start buying their drugs this weekend. >> he can't be around forever. when he's gone, here's confident someone else will step up and fill the void. you can take down the man, but you can't take down the idea. >> reporter: the fbi said it can't comment about any ongoing investigation am but has said the original website processed
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$1.2 billion worth of transactions. vic? >> the man behind the first version of the silk road website is in custody in new york. there could be a new trial issue for the man convicted of killing washington intern, chandra levy. attorneys asked for a new trial for ingmar guandique. he was sentenced for levy's death. too many young people see too many alcohol ads on tv. christie ileto reports, it's a trend hopkins researchers say is on the rise. >> reporter: it's ads like this, viewers say they see. >> pretty often. especially like around this time of year, especially with, like football and stuff. >> reporter: in 2003, alcohol companies agreed not to air any ads during programs, where more than 30% of the audience watching is young. dr. david jernigan authors a new study that says that agreement isn't exactly being followed. >> one in four of the alcohol
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ads were playing at times when they shouldn't have been. >> reporter: jernigan says this is most prevalent in cities like houston, and in baltimore, where one in five alcohol ads air when they shouldn't. >> if we removed those, we would have eliminated close to a third of the exposure to alcohol advertising that kids got during those programs. >> the marketer of distilled spirits says it is required by the regulatory code. it is concluded. our ad. >> these are the numbers. we're using nielsen. and according to our study, they're apparently not use them. we think they could do a better job. >> increases the chances of underaged drink. >> i don't think it's that bidbig of an issue if you talk
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to your kids. >> reporter: but some say, deterring your kids from alcohol starts at home. >> reporter: the report says most of those alcohol ads aired during capable programs like keeping up with the kardashians and keeping up with warrior on spike. studies show the average tv watcher, between 12 and 20 years old, watches 366 alcohol ads a year. twitter makes its debut on the new york stock exchange. closed at $44.90 a share. that's up 33% over its initial public offering. that values the social networking site at more than $31 billion. until now, the tech company has yet to turn a profit. but analysts say it will start making money. time now for a quick look at some stories you'll find in the baltimore morning sun.
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meet the power prop bunk band paramore. sturgeons maryland's basketball team. and quarterbacks in the sunds ravens game. and remember to look for the updated forecast from the first warning weather team. the bea gaddy thanksgiving meal preparation has already begun. and the prep is happening at an unusual place. with lines this long on thanksgiving, the annual bee gaddy thanksgiving day. bold or solid. the gobblers have begun to thaw. >> thaw -- >> look closely here. look at the knives. they're chained to tables.
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>> automobile we're all incarcerated. >> we're inmates. >> that's right. we are inside the wire at the prison in hagerstown. with the men who tried and/or succeeded in rob. >> it -- >> you can a job like this. >> reporter: after years of being walled off, these men had to learn to be model inmates. how to earn scet's just. >> you can learn from me. i gave away my youth. >> reporter: they hope being a prison meat cutter will lead to a be jooutside. but for now, it is an exercise in the right thing to do. >> and we give back, we're processing our time. >> this from an attempted murderer who will never leave. in all, they will be preparing over 300 turkeys for bea gaddy. >> bea didn't care who you were, what you did or how you got there. she'd always find another plate for you at her table, a table
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that begins in the cutting room at this prison. this is bea's grandson. >> without the help of this organization, it wouldn't happen. >> in hagerstown, mike schuh, wjz eyewitness news. >> those turkles will be cooked, carved up, packed and refrigerated on tuesday. still to come on wjz's eyewitness news. somebody is shooting up garden state plaza right now. dramatic calls for help. 911 recordings. as shoppers try to get out of the line of fire. this is not going to be very popular with your children. a new report recommends a new age for children riding in booster streets. dryer and cooler end to the week and start to the weekend. i'll have the exclusive first warning five-day forecast. and wjz 13 is always on. here are the stop stories on website at this hour. for the day's news and updated forecast any time, log onto
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ris police relied a 911 call. a gunman opens fire earlier this week.
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>> somebody is shooting up garden state plaza right now. >> somebody is shooting? >> somebody is shooting garden state plaza right now. i'm in the bathroom. >> allall right. stay in the phone with me, sweetheart. how many are in the bathroom with you? >> three. >> are they in your store? >> yes. >> shoppers and workers were scared for their lives, after 28-year-old shopper richard shoop opened fire. he killed himself inside the mall but did not shoot anyonele. there is now extra security in place at that mall. a surprising safety recommendation for children in paster seats. a new report, from the insurance institute for highway safety suggests that parents keep their children in booster seats, until the age of 12. the study also looked into the safety of particular car seat brands and found that the most expensive aren't always the safest. officials say booster seats are 45% less likely to sustain injuries in crashes by children
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restrained by seat belts alone. >> taking a rare trip on public transportation. >> prince william and wife kate hopped on board a double-decker for a ride in london. the royal couple was celebrating london poby day in a day to remember veterans. right. with a of security. here's a look at tonight's closing numbers from wall street. we'll be right back. ,,,,,,,,,,, good morning nelly! woah.
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hey! have you ever tried honey nut cheerios? love 'em. neat! now you on the other hand... you need some help. why? look atchya. what is that? you mean my honey wand? [ shouting ] [ splat ] come on. matter of fact. [ rustling ] shirt. shoes. shades. ah! wow! now that voice... my voice? [ auto-tuned ] what's wrong with my voice? yeah man, bee got swag! be happy! be healthy! that's gotta go too. ♪ hey! must be the honey! [ sparkle ] sweet. it is a chilly and breezy november eaching. bob is updating the five-day forecast. but first, meteorologist tim williams is in the outback with what we can expect tomorrow. going to need a coat pretty soon there, young man. >> certainly will. i'm starting to feel it now. you can't be cute and comfortable at the same time. we're looking at temperatures, dropping tonight to about 40 degrees or so. it's already getting there. and the winds are starting to calm down a little bit. but it's going to be chilly tomorrow. we'll start off with clouds.
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we will see some sunshine. a good bit of sunshine. daytime high of 54. keep in mind, our normal is about 60. and dropping through the 40s, eventually to go 30 degrees, heading into tomorrow night. for the next five days, we send it in to bob. >> 54, 32. a lot of sunshine. on the weekend. 58 here on sunday. great weather for football. 58 on monday. turning colder. 46, 38 on tuesday. maybe a few rain showers here on wednesday. garrett county, probably some rain, mixed with snow by the middle of next week. denise and vic? >> thank you, bob. still to come on eyewitness news tonight. the ravens work on a game plan to beat the bengals. >> mark has the latest on preparations coming up next in sports. ,,
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well, if you're lucky enough to be going to the game on sunday, be loud. mark is here with the wjz the fan sports report. >> ravens are playing a good team. the cincinnati bengals. ravens need to be a better team to beat them. eight more to go. and halfway through this season. the ravens are performing below the standard they set when they won the super bowl. three wins and five losses. now, the ravens offense bears the brunt of the blame. but the defense has been subpar as well. in their third straight loss,
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ravens' cornerback, lardarius web, got faked off. now, in generality, the ravens' defense has played well enough for the team to win. if the offense would score more. and the defense does rank well, statistically. but there are veterans like haloti ngata that know they need to be better. >> i feel like i can do more. just because i think that we're losing, i think a lot of the guys start looking at themselves. what can i do. and -- but that could also be a trap because you don't want to do too much, to where you're doing two jobs, instead of trying to do your own job. >> it was an indoor workout in owings mills today. four defensive players did not participate. terrell suggs. jimmy smith, a groin injury. and cory gram, a calf injury. got to heal those bumps and bruises to beat the bengals to snap a three-game losing streak. it's a game here, kicking it off sunday at 1:00.
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>> college football in college park, coming up saturday. the terps return from their bye week to play host to syracuse at birds stadium. coach edsel started the team to start off hot. it has dropped off dramatically, with multiple key injuries, and three losses in the last four games, including this defeated home to clemson in the last game. with the record of 5-3, the terps needle one more win to be bowl-eligible. >> they have the goals in mind of what we want to accomplish. so they understand what's there. i told them, we're a 5-3 football team. they know what's on the line. and now, it's up to them to go out and practice well this week and work to try to get the sixth win this week. >> and when maryland meets syracuse saturday, it will be the first between the two. it will be the last am terps are headed to the big 10 prches. college basketball.
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louisville. remember back in april. he suffered. there he is, hitting a 3-point shot. immediately after checking in, he played 10 minutes. but he had been counting the days. 222 days since that injury. medical science continues to amaze. >> thank you, mark. >> thank you, mark. we'll be ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
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i usually shop at giante, but today i brought my receipt to see how much i can save at walmart. i have an 11 year old, so he's eating more than ever. at walmart you could've saved 26% on tuna, how's that sound? that sounds great! well, my food budget is tight. every penny counts. $134.23! that's a savings of over $21 or 13%! wow! the prices and variety here at walmart have completely blown my mind.
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don't miss the cbs primetime lineup at 10:00. it's an episode of the hit drama, elementary. followed, of course, by eyewitness news at 11:00. that's it for us tonight at 6:00. back at 11:00, i'm denise koch. >> thanks for watching, wjz, maryland's news station. don't go away. there is much more ahead on the cbs evening news with scott pele. among the stories they're covering tonight, bye bye transfat, that's what the fda is saying, as it moves to ban the ingredient. we told you about that story earlier. the head of the fda explains why coming up. we'll take you to new york in the cbs evening news with ,, >> pelley: tonight, a common
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food is declared unsafe. the f.d.a. moves to ban transfats found in popcorn, desserts, pizzas and margarine. chip reid has details. twitter takes flight. elaine quijano on the bluebird's wall street debut. a former miami dolphin tells us about harassment and racial slurs in the locker room. >> this is common throughout the whole entire nfl. >> pelley: james brown of the "nfl today" on the league's investigation. and the big-city mayor who said this about crack cocaine. >> have i tried it? um, probably in one of my drunken stoupors. >> pelley: now has another drunken rant to explain. >> i need ( bleep ). it will be over in five minutes. captioning sponsored by cbs this is the "cbs evening news" with scott pelley. >> pelley: good evening. they are the ingredients that make cookies, and cakes taste better and


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