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tv   Documentary  RT  May 9, 2024 3:30am-4:00am EDT

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of the very much which was probably the most modern, well equipped armies introduced to jada at the time of the invasion of the soviet union was crippled and crushed. these great uh, strategic leaders, zoo golf at the surrounding this 6 army of selling drugs. the siege of atlanta got the lifting of the sage, brought him approved himself, president crude was all finally suffering during the siege of leningrad, this old bridge or dying, of deep tyria during that c. so these links, these emotional, these, these physical links to the great patriotic wars, it's known here, and russia are so real here, ready to feel it in the air. just just barely a fun me across the old soviet union are russia who hasn't got a story to tell you to remember with great caution on roy this immense victory which freed europe on the world from the terror of fascism. so as we watch these people, mark bosses today, these veterans, these young people whose grandfather is
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a great grandfathers, saved us. absolutely say this from the horrors of fascism. we have to remember that there are many of the west now with a revision of the view of the world suggesting that the soviet union was not central to this the, for you to stop, you know, if the case and then these, the assistance us because of the present food, as mentioned, remember that the russians will never forget the help that was given, but it was minimal. 60000 brady civilians, for example, died in the war. over 10000000 russian civilians probably died in the war. so the scale of the sacrifice is never forgotten here as the years go by, people say, why remember this great conflict in russia? it's police understood, proven remembering this break conflict, and this break, victory becomes more and more important as the years past. really yeah, say well said, well said good point sir, as well, you know, you mentioned the siege of leningrad i was one of the biggest tragedy is one of the
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biggest tragedies of the 2nd world war of the cdn, a god, 872 days the people, it's modest motivates in petersburg by the way, but it was when it got sent, then 872 days, most of the seeds. and at the time lending grass and tire able bodied population was mobilized to build on to time, to fortifications and support of the cities. $200000.00 read on the defenders. now look the german brocade on the siege of leningrad. it claimed um 650000 lending brother lives in 1942 a lot. let me give you some other numbers here. so out of a pre war population in leningrad, st. petersburg then in grad, a pre, well population of 3500000, and by the end of 870-0000 was left. i mean, you know, you've got to talk about the shoes price. it was being paid right, that not loan off of that. well the germans and all these were driven by the soviet union all the way back to. but let me go to one the, you know,
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when the nazis are still in europe with so much of your fell so quickly. lots of bucks out in one day, holland and 5 days. you guys live? yes, settling 11 days from a month and 12 days it buckles, greece $24.00 days total and $27.00 days. the soviet union, 1418 days. that's 4 years. so you're going to help out for, on how this will hide the soviet union fold up her on of the sacrifice of the 2nd world war. now of course, it's a big week here, not just the may day today, but tuesday was not improved and the russian presents an older ration. a lot of patriotism, really ready in the air these days this week old, across the russian federation or the day off the person was it all graded. he went to meet with his school teacher via a lovely or slightly older legend, our pension of which he sat down with her old student,
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the russian president. she said all your questions and i will, honest to you. and the 1st thing president food and said, i told him to leave to join me in such weather. thank you so much for braving the cold. and that will be one of the small takeaways from this victory day 2024. although the sun is more or less shining right now, it is a bit chilly. it is a bit when they, but, you know, i contemplate, with all the people on red square, the veterans not was, well, how old? all the few remaining veterans that are still with us today. if the was 79 years ago, these gentlemen and the remaining ladies must be off of the ninety's by now. from all of us, we signed them from the bottom of our hearts for the sacrifice of engaged in for the 2nd world war let's. so let's listen in just for a moment here as we continue without commemoration and celebrations of victory day 2024 live here in moscow on red square. and russia,
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the dates have a great label for that, right. formation is marching for red square. lead in the formation is the coal chief, 1st captain, all ex ignacio. today the cabinets carry on the provisions back, put assessors following the motto on to service loyalty to the model and the cutters from the admiral mccardle, pacific fire naval school. adjoining the parade's. coming, you know, i can, i can feel the vibrations from red square even of my son up location. hit 8 flows off the ground. i can feel the music. i can feel the marching. and it's just something amazing. i love may nines in the heart of moscow. hey, let's get back now to i don't cold at, don't 40 a down there on red square. i may even really getting close into a real close, meet and greet for you. they will all the cruise, some what's going on?
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how is it that way? you are that's right, very well. it's snowing on and off here, but like you said, the weather might be cold, but that is not stops. anyone who wanted to come to see this a nor mostly amazing ceremony to come and see this. but it's not gonna stop anyone who has the opportunity to see this up close because it's just so incredible really . we haven't even gotten to the armored portion yet. and yet. uh, you know, i've just got goosebumps watching the columns go by god. how, how well they're marching and how, how the act goes up, their screens as you could just hear behind me just echoes throughout red square. really gives you a sense of just how the mice and power of the russian military, especially. and it's a very important time for russian people to understand that the military has the capability to defend themselves against the threats from all over the world. specifically from the west, i mean something the vladimir put and mentioned in his features that uh,
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the people who are fighting in the russian military right now on the front lines in the special military operations or zeros of the russian federation. because right now what they're doing is continuing the legacy of the red army soldiers who destroyed fascism in the 2nd world war. another thing that my colleagues say boz mentioned is that in the last historical revisionism has become acceptable in many countries saying that the soviet union either did not play a big role in the destruction of fascism in the 2nd world war. or even going as far as to say that nazi germany and the soviet union were equally as deplorable conquerors of, of the areas in which they existed. which of course, is just completely not true. the soviet union gave up twice over 27000000 of its people to liberate eastern europe from the scorch of fast as in. this is something that many people in the west have forgotten the unfortunately on this day,
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is this something that the russian people have most certainly not forgotten, as we can see every year by these parades. and this is something that the people who appear to fastest ideology in ukraine have to consider because the military operation continues. and it's, it's no doubt that the russian military is going to accomplish the same thing, accomplished, accomplished in fact, and 1945 over nazi germany. the destruction of fascist ideology, where it rears its head. so right now we're still seeing the military, the infantry portion of this parade go by. but again, like i said earlier in the program, we're expecting around 75 armored vehicles and trying to go through red square after this. and for 3 portion goes by. that's definitely going to be very impressive, very loud. in fact, also, if you think this is loud, i mean having uh, both modern and tags and the great patriotic war going by as a very loud experience. i mean, i've never been this close before,
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so we're gonna have to see how that goes. but it's definitely something that the, i'm very lucky to see, and i'm sure the veterans here that are behind the camera right now in the bleachers as well as the veterans and sort of the participants of the special military operation in ukraine, which are here in attendance. right now, they're definitely looking forward to seeing that as well. it's a great occasion for everyone here as well as the foreign dignitaries that have been invited to witness this as well. like i said last time i went live with you, rory, we're looking at, you know, the president subject to stand to minnesota and bella, ruth, a lot of other catholic stan as well. among many others as well as for and delegations from countries outside the raising. and for a former soviet sphere, we're looking at a delegation from law allows, which is as of late to become very, very close with russia in terms us in terms of economic and political operation as
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well as cuba. the cuban president himself is here attending this year's red square military parade in honor of 79 years of victory over fascism. he and his delegation are here, of course, enjoying the rest, taking parade that's going on behind me. so really, this is an occasion that anyone who receives an invitation, anyone who has the opportunity to see these military parade's honors, those who fought in the great patriotic award to free the world from fascism. anyone who has the opportunity to see something like this is going to take it, no doubt. this is something that, i mean, i myself, for years before i even lived in russia, i wanted to see if it was a childhood dream of mine. and obviously it's really great that now i get to every year cover this on red square every year. it's just as breathtaking as the last to see just how how amazing the infantry columns are here on red
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square. it looks like the last of them have actually just gone through and we're probably going to see very soon have the air show or the arm or columns come in on to red square. i can actually see from the corner my, i have the lead tank from the great patriotic war that traditionally leads the arm or columns with the flag of victory on top of it, as well as the russian flag usually on it as well. uh, marking the beginning of the army portion. so really just an amazing show of strength of the russian military here. and the music also is something that's really great. i've always really loved soviet song, so read military songs on the great patriotic war period. and this is something that they, the musical ensemble on red square is always playing. it's always a pleasure to hear it. and especially live, of course, is not nothing. beats live music here on red square air,
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along with the military models, the guns thinking of the musicians. they're now leaving red square because it looks like the armored portion is about to begin. i could see them coming on to red square right now. led by looks like a 234 tank from the great patriotic war. and we've got uh military armored vehicles coming in behind them as well. you can see the st. george's ribbon on the tank and the emblem of the guards of the red army as well. the hammer and sickle, this the emblem of the soviet union. which of course, with victoria silver, the nazi germany, and the access powers during the 2nd world war. i know we have to understand also you know, the soviet union comprised not only of rush up one of many other soviet republics as well. and they, as vladimir putin said earlier in his speech,
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all of the former soviet republics. but then obviously soviet republic spot one on one with fascism in europe to free the world from that horrible ideology. and so there are representatives of course, from all of these countries and people from all these countries come to moscow on victory day as well to you know, enjoying the ceremony. because even when these tanks and troops roll off of red square, all the red squares closed for special guests and for dignitaries to see on red square, this parade is going to actually go on to the streets that are going to be available to the general population. so for those who don't receive an invitation on to read square, this parade is actually visible for them on different uh, parts of moscow, usually on one of these main streets that goes to the moscow called auto body. uh, this is, this is usually where the parade goes through. when it comes off of red square, you can see behind me also these armored vehicles that i mentioned before behind
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the lead time because the armored portion got more of them coming over here on the right. you should be able to see behind me very soon a troops upon them as well with the saint george's ribbon, which of course is a symbol of victory de over fascism. unfortunately, a symbol that's been banned in places. that of course, adhere to this historical risk. revisionism that i mentioned earlier in my talk here like ukraine, people you know, wearing the symbol had been repressed and ukraine just for wearing a symbol of victory over fashion. but now it looks like we've got another portion of the armored column is moving in as well. to be able to see behind me. okay, dawn. okay, john? yeah, listen, it's income the boys with their big toys right now with that with the ahmed ahmed vehicles. the post and l carriers. other times we're going to be seeing the nuclear
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try out today the components of the, of on job system. i'll be going to see the change all the hypersonic dogger attached underneath the su, quite jets that will be fine, right? over red square as well. so let's so let's learn more now because $11.00 of our colleagues is also an absolute ministry expert and on his story and as well shape. oh, is this get the shape on his right now? shy, i know you're right in the thick of it. you've been enjoying this as well. this is really you will compensate for sure. what do you see where you are now? sure. well, as you can see behind me, these are sort of law, you know, our reconnaissance vehicles, some of the teague are, which are uh, lighter economy. recall since vehicle photos can see how many behind us now are the years a ballistic missile cutters terriers, which are part of rush is a nuclear fleet actually as well. are there escorted via via the yard? yeah, i'm are the vehicle as you can see, jaime studies the all this i'm all so bare to make you go to great dismay. this
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will be for the rest, suggesting that this is so sort of the strategic move of why moscow on the engines is absolutely insane. and these are mobile based on launchers. very difficult to track. the part of russia is very modern. nuclear to terrorists. remember, rochelle probably has the biggest, are still of nuclear weapons on earth and a, probably as the most modern war, including at disarm on this side of a recent development which can be deployed from this boss in the water naval fleet as well. these are as far as bel rory, but again, the s 401 of the best, if not the best, on the defensive, on our own roy. really, we're
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a little bit patriots on iris t's in your great with the s 400 on now. the s 500, which is in developing the science system, is without the best, if not the best anti aircraft system on earth. and it provides a huge amount to cobra to, to the s m o, the right. okay, great shay. thank you very much. thank you very much indeed. well, the conversions on the celebration to continue here. i'm role is to show you will continue a special coverage for fit through day 2024, a to international life and loud across the red square and the eye clinic line monster, all the capital of the russian federation. i have the pleasure to join off. i sit in the alaska. 2 a ministry export strategic geopolitical, and this is a historian as well. serial. it's so good to have with us. it's today. you won't,
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you won't be able to things that say julia sound, the vibrations, the energy, the fried here. what are your emotions today on this victory? day, well, you cannot express of it's victoria day without expressing the fact that with the ussr the freedom which would not be here. um, they made a huge tribute um the default against the germans and the nosey is over here, is the prep. it default the front against the germans and denazi's for since 1941 to the end of the war to pay the tribute of $27000000.00. what's that? that's the crowd that are flying. just cover us. we have to read the russian flag that is coming right on top of us. what is it? the speed of this when the good stuff comes through it? i mean, you know, you may love this when the big helicopters come over the fos, you know, fight it just come. busy but you see the big illusions as well. they've been transport croft and when you, when they come over us, you caught him and
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a who yourself think for their technology is awesome. somebody's tupelo the black to the swan. retrofitted upgraded not to can you hear the serial i wanted to ask you because as, as the idea of the price, you're actually you have a famous french relative from world war 2. if another check my fine if i'm not mistaken. here the other general is going to that's what the talk to you next. your relative? yes, my great great uncle. i'm the 2nd branch of the family. yeah. and so what was the story with us? well, when the german resignation to the shots, the goals could not attend the ceremony because a west deal blacklisted by the vc regime. and it's the gent of 100 up who assigned the resignation of the germans for the will. i see, i see that it was the was the general of the french 1st i ami, uh, who landed in front and pronounce on the 15th of august 1944, say
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a couple of weeks after the allies in normandy. and what i wanted to say is because you asked me the question before the institution of the us sr has a low during the use price to fresh the german armies. and because the crush, the german army was the allies were able to get to europe. and to up in the west front without the east front that we do not have the passive. that's right on the big problem is to me, these facts is under polls in the west. another one, it was in school just as full, excuse me, in the 2nd world war, i was always to that the. yeah. the and lou americans and count against they came and leave the right address. that's right. it's not a point to minimize what they do. of course, we should not minimize when they did, but without views from that diving. our historians minimizing with the soviet
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part of the eastern phone for many millions associates who are lost during the great culture of the gold who paid so much more in floods. and then just about in the 40, why is it is to just set or to speak just now? certain actors in the world are look into white wash. some of them want to ignore what happened with not. some of them don't want to learn from the mistakes of the past improvement wants. if you don't learn from the mistakes the pos you will be due to repeat them similarly. exactly, that's exactly those. kennedy understood this. yes, kennedy understood this on. we'll know how we in it. um, i know or understood this. don't let the military industrial complex get. it won't go so long. that's a long time ago. and after the 2nd world war for the west, it was useful to minimize the impact of us as our because of the cold war. yeah. as good. the ned's easy stem was used by your west because the nazis the known as
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the elegy has been used by the united states and the worst in the country to fight the community. if you look, for example, at the 2nd world war to combat in ukraine against the new and as it did not the end of the 1944, it lasted for a couple of years after. so this is a very useful and very common as adults and the narrative from the west to reduce the impact of the ussr during the 2nd world war. and also, winston churchill understood this very well in 1941 when he gave plans to, uh, to the, to the russians, to design the aircraft. if to take this to monique, for example, or this guy you the d. c 3 in the us. you have the same here and the is because judge, you'll give them the you have negotiations between staley and churchill with gary.
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oh yeah. and we have a greece for example. all this is completely under 12 itself. the only one purpose is to rewrite the key story. if you look up this morning, what said the to the spokesperson from the, the white to it was coming, jump you? oh gosh, yes, that's all right a. so i'm not there is nothing to say, but i'm not saying anything. but once we have reach such a level of brain washing when we have reached such a level of, we're going to rewrite the q story. we understanding which well, we're leaving. yeah, i think it's very, very good point. you know, you did mention ukraine a few moments ago. the special ministry operation is ongoing. on the west and political and media landscape, they keep talking about this unprovoked full of a sudden russian invasion and yet yet installed in the day to chief said 48
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hours ago. hey, this all started in 2014 guys. 2014 off of the us over 30 log onto nature was training you crazy. and so. busy just building military faces and ukraine buildings folder, 5 trenches and tunnels and subterranean areas. the oldest miniature equipment, 2014 nato, cheap minutes. they've been west when the icing and trading ukrainians for was as he said, for the inevitable. because he knew even in 2014, they were getting ready for a conflict with russia, but they wanted it. this is what we called uh oh to predictive. uh yes we should. yes they, they really wanted it. this study to train them since 2014 the cool i've made on was organized by to see i it backed up with a $5000000000.00. it's victoria noon in the mind. on midwife she see, she admitted to that we, it's not a secret anymore. it should have been kept the secret if the predictions of the need to have happen. yeah. which means that wrote russia to,
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it's nice wrote it's kind of me to it sneezed right. and if it wasn't really 30 success and you frame fact is, it's not a military, it's not need to military success and ukraine. it's a part of failure for everything of every kind of new gold and blue at the new uh, silver blue at the try to break the bringing what, whether it's the legal pub, whether it's the ever items, whether it's absolutely everything is a failure and now they have a big problem because 1st they pushed zelinski not to surrender, hoping that with all the functions of 20000 functions that have been applied on russia, russian, i would be brought on its knees waiting in a couple of months. and then they could give them all the weapons that they needed the to fight against the restaurant. but it's not the case. i mean, it's not the case for the 24th, the 2014, they start sanctioning russia for any kind of cooking. mimi cook top shenanigans, they can thing called they start functioning,
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rush at white to itself for not russia to. we couldn't russia to give it a pummeling before the inevitable. and what was the it available? the conflict that the west has been preparing for since 2014. i mean look, you talked about an autism and what was, what's a fruits and talks about it in ukraine, you've got the band, the right. you put the neo nazi as of fatality and i die, but i'd be sick thought as well, but none could i can you put a number of them to the west and press politicians? never ever mention it. they never want to show any of the swastika kind of symbols they have on some of the times. video in 2014, during the night. um, there is a hope of dash that has been made, but the movie all mm. who is from the kinetic piece in bits investigations to french media. and you have his eyes at this time on the implication of the natalie is the new notes using you for any any brain. but after it was completely completely filled. but which is interesting when you speak of yourself about
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ukraine, and when we speak about victoria day is that the west never understood. one very important thing. so is that russia is feelings that she is attacked and the of the country is attacked. then the whole country will be behind the present, this russian sold. yeah. was the way it works in the west, newborn and just do this. now they have started something that they don't know how to stop. yeah, the easiest way for them to stop this would be to say, okay, we, we screwed up. sorry. yeah. all right. yeah. it is. it will not be, it would not be white, but like this, the one where's the split clean and the that this way. but that would be the 1st step now decided something they don't know how to stop it. and then no russians, we are all behind the president, all the support. i mean, come on sale the support of food in these days. it's just,
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it's in some of the piece has been, you know, great it case president again, yes, the pride in this country is, is just, you can feel that, you know, that really is because at the end of the day, and i said this during our special coverage of the presidential election if you have been living in russia for the past 15 years or so, you have feet on the using it. yeah. the receiving end of russo for the rest of it from the west sanctions and all sorts of punishments. and so many of these functions are based on, as i said, cooking me shenanigans to the west coast. cook supplements like a hollywood recipe. they create something, then they have the media blast, it, they blame personal, whoever. and they sanction sanction, sanction, sanction. now when you look at it, you realize they was functioning rupture to soften it up for the year and able to pull the payment to ukraine. i mean, you credited the tragic staging ground for this proxy will between american data and the russian federation. and yet, where does it sign now?
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all the front lines, owned and operated by the west. i'll collapsing that. the russian federation can continue moving westwood essentially at his own pace sooner. yes, we have time when let you know, right. we have time now we're not into the as an income career in acquiring all the prey on the main purpose of this special military operations is to protect the russian speaking people from dumbass and to make sure that does not happen again. and that could have been prevented. yeah, that's good. that being presented with the by the west, by applying the means to agreements all were signed, but they knew they were not going to apply the course. they knew it was just the way that they admitted it down the road. they measured it, didn't. they said who limited it was all alone and without us are cosy. you might if you've made. oh no, no, no, no, no, no. i'm ask you a lot cool. and uh, and the full ukrainian, um, uh, put a friend who is the, the admitted they all admitted to the mist, a cold which has to be used to give you crane and the west time. so minutes arise
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weapon i train up and get ready. and the whole time proved and then by the way, prudent even said i was not eve, i should not have trusted them for so long proved an evil to me said he was nice, but you know that's putting on the one side is considered to be too nice, yeah, a lot of people say that the come on the but i use very clever and the he plays though he plays the right way is not closing the door. he's not closing the door to any kind of negotiation. and as a matter of fact, you're always brooklyn solutions. a lot of people are ignoring that. on march 2021, zelinski took a new kaz to become queer dream. yeah. which is russian right? by force. right. a lot of people do are ignoring this, the west is not even talking about of course, and from march 2021 to the, to the end of 2021 of.


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