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tv   KTVU FOX 2 News at 730pm  FOX  May 8, 2024 7:30pm-8:01pm PDT

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california is changing the impact new laws are having on owners, employees and consumers. lawmakers on capitol hill grilled the superintendent of berkeley schools over accusations of anti-semitism on
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campus, and the bay area high school, encouraging seniors to proudly declare where they'll be going to college in the fall. >> this is ktvu fox two news at 730. >> and good evening, everyone. i'm heather holmes. it has now been one month since fast food workers here in california received a wage hike to $20 an hour, and during that time, many fast food businesses have raised prices up to 10. our crystal bailey live now in the newsroom with more on the initial impact of this wage increase. crystal. >> well, heather, we learned it's not up to corporate brands to make pricing recommendations. it's actually up to the small business owners to figure out how to offset the cost of the new minimum wage rate. >> just about everything on the menu has gone up. >> customers are feeling the sting of the minimum wage increase in california. minimum wage for fast food workers went up to $20 an hour on april 1st. a month later, workers excited to earn more money.
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>> impacto porque to me it is a big impact because as a low wage worker, i was earning 1820. >> mejia says her hours have been cut at mcdonald's, so she has not seen the difference yet. it's happening at a lot of fast food spots where managers are raising prices and reducing. >> hours before, we were not scared to pay like employees working 45, 42, 43 hours. now we are really concerned and just getting up to them for 35 hours. the most because over time would kind of cost us a lot. >> sanjeet kumar, the district manager over eight carl's junior's locations, says prices have gone up by about 7. >> it's very difficult for us to stay in business if you know the cost goes up and we don't make money, no business works without making a profit. >> he also says the company is looking into technology like ai to eliminate positions like this. taco bell down the street, which has kiosks instead of cashiers, where customers say they've seen their favorite menu
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items increase by around $3. it's honestly the same price as eating something healthy, so you might as well just grab something healthy. the consumer price index report says prices at quick service restaurants have jumped nearly 28% from 2019 through last year, and mcdonald's ceo blames the new minimum wage and inflation for declining profits in california. but at mejia's restaurant in the south bay, a meeting yesterday, my employer had us workers in a meeting and he basically told us that we're going to get our hours back, that we should all be back to 40 hours soon, and so i'm very excited to see the difference. >> i feel sorry about the employees, you know, $20, paying $20 an hour. it's good for the employees, but not good for the business. right now, economists say it's too soon to know just how much things are really going to turn out in the long term, and whether businesses will make more cuts or price changes. >> but of course, those business owners, workers and customers
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will continue to see the impact. heather. yeah we'll keep checking on the effects of that change. >> all right. thanks so much, crystal. well, a new state law eliminating junk fees is due to take effect here in california july 1st and surcharge is added to restaurant bills fall under this new law. and that has many restaurant owners frustrated. the new law aims to make pricing more transparent, but some business owners say those service fees were helping them stay afloat in what has been a challenging economic environment . want you to take a look now at this tweet today from chef david nayfeld of, the popular italian restaurant in san francisco. on divisadero, he criticized the governor and attorney general, saying, quote, we will now need to reevaluate every single aspect of doing business in our restaurants in california. and chef nayfeld joins me now live. i know you are upset about this change. what does the elimination of the surcharge mean for you and your restaurant? >> well, thanks very much for having me, heather. first, i'd
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like to say, you know, we're just getting this information today. we've been waiting for the faqs to come in for the better part of a week or so. and so it's unclear exactly what's going to happen. but what is clear is that over the past two years, that surcharge has enabled us to create a 401 k with a 4% match, do profit sharing both of those things that we've contributed over almost half $1 million to raise wages across the board for people who historically have been left out of the tip pool of black and brown folks, people who have english as a second language, folks who have been marginalized traditionally. and what we're going to have to do is really analyze whether the business can afford that. so it's going to be an exercise in pricing and kind of see an idea where the guests kind of sees that price elasticity, effectively snapping back. and, you know, like the fallout could be that we may need to lose some of those programs. we hope that we don't, because obviously our intention was to keep them. >> officials say, david, that
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this new law is about making sure consumers know what they are paying for. so now it sounds like they want you to fold in all your fees into the prices listed there on the menu. i mean, is that feasible? >> yeah, sure. let me just be clear. what this is all about is not about consumer, good or anything like that. this is a headline for a governor gavin newsom to run a next campaign on, or to be able to hang his hat on something. and for rob bonta to be able to run for governor next. the fact of the matter is, if they really cared about consumers, they would be addressing something like pg and e being a monopoly that burned down our state and effectively has raised prices on businesses and homes over 40% in the past two years. look at insurance premiums. those have gone up over 30 to 40. look at a number of things that they could actually be creating an impact on. that would help not only consumers, but small businesses alike. so i don't buy the fact that this is about consumers. to answer your question more directly, look, we're going to have to fold whatever we can into the price. but at the end of the day, there will be sticker shock. so if somebody
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sees a price of something and thinks that, hey, you know, for example, a chicken and that chicken went from $65 to $95, they may get sticker shock and say, you know what? i'm not going out. what that's going to lead to is less tax revenue, less shifts, less jobs, less tips. and ultimately, i think less money for the economy. also less tax revenue. >> yeah. so chef, do you think that this change in fact is going to exacerbate a decline that we're already seeing in california's restaurant industry? >> well, heather, i'll tell you, we just posted that we're closing one of our restaurants, two weeks ago. and that is a very, very sad conversation be having with a group of lovely people who really, really care about their jobs. and the fact of the matter is, we just could not handle the increase in, minimum wage. that's gone up 88% in the last ten years. inflation that's gone up, products gone up 15% in the past, three years, insurance premiums pg. and e rent is expensive, too. all of these things lead up to effectively a kind of an
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extinction event. now, i'm not going to prescribe what restaurants are going to be able to do. and also i can't tell you exactly how consumers are going to react. but if history, including just recent history, is any, measure, you're going to see, for example, minimum wage goes up, prices go up, people spend less. right. and so at the end of the day, people spend less. there's less shifts, there's less hours. so at the end of the day, i don't have a crystal ball. but i can tell you what i'm seeing of late. and it's not good news for any of us. >> all right, chef nayfeld really appreciate you coming on the show today of, hoping that you're able to figure something out between now and july first. thanks again for. thank you. heather. the superintendent of berkeley schools testifying today on capitol hill over her handling of alleged antisemitism on berkeley campuses. superintendent annika ford, morthal, along with superintendents from new york and maryland testifying at that hearing today. the republican led house committee on education and the workforce questioned ford morthal about accusations
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the district has not addressed antisemitism on campus. >> when investigations show that an antisemitic event has occurred, we take action to teach, correct and redirect our students. we do not publicly share our actions because student information is private and legally protected under federal and state law. as a result, some believe we do nothing. this is not true. >> today's testimony comes after federal complaints were filed by the brandeis center and the anti defamation league, the u.s. department of education's office for civil rights has now launched an investigation into the district. it did so earlier this week. a coalition of parents and community members rallied today in berkeley in support of superintendent ford morthal. many of them saying berkeley is an inclusive community overall and that the superintendent has done her best handling a difficult situation in. president biden is due to arrive in san francisco tomorrow for a pair of campaign events.
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mr. biden is expected to land tomorrow evening. then on friday, he's scheduled to attend two campaign receptions in the bay area. during his last trip to the bay area in february, mr. biden met with the widow of and daughter of alexei navalny. following the death of the russian opposition leader. the president will then travel to seattle for campaign receptions later on friday and saturday. first lady jill biden also due to visit the bay area tomorrow on a separate visit from her husband and mrs. biden, is scheduled to touch down at sfo tomorrow afternoon and then head to a political finance event in kentfield. her office says she will then fly to southern california friday. coming up tonight, ten students and teachers sickened after a science experiment goes wrong at a south bay middle school. what we know tonight from emergency responders. also ahead, police in the north bay now say they know how a small vegetation fire started last night, right near several homes. >> and we are tracking some nice weather around here.
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temperatures definitely on the increase that happens again tomorrow. maybe a low 90 out there. we'll check into that with a mother's day forecast as well
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♪ we're in the middle of... seizing the date! ♪ in the middle of... trying new things! ♪ in the middle of the perfect pairing ... and parking it here for the night! ♪ so come get away... together... to the incredible, unforgettable illinois— the middle of everything. ♪ ♪ (ominous music) ♪ yes, ahh!! mom: what is going on with you? get out! andy! get out of my room! get out! mom: andy. fight! fight! i didn't say anything. yes you did.
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♪ (ominous music) ♪ ♪ (ominous music) ♪ and almost a dozen students, as well as teachers, were sickened after an accidental exposure to carbon dioxide, ktvu's jesse gary reports. the incident prompted a really large emergency response. >> just as the school day was starting wednesday at sunrise middle school, 911 calls brought a small army of first responders to east julian and north 24th
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streets. ten people sickened by something in the air in one of the classrooms. >> we were just like working and stuff. and then some people started coughing a lot, like really coughing. and then the teacher came and saw what was like trying to see what was happening. and then she started coughing. >> san jose firefighters responded to the one alarm call of eight students and two teachers at the charter school, sickened by exposure to carbon dioxide, or co2, one of the so-called greenhouse gases. there was also a experiment that was either scheduled for today or yesterday that had to do with vinegar and baking soda. >> one of those volcano projects. >> school officials in an email say vapors from chemistry chemicals in a locked closet may have leaked out, possibly going through the hvac system that increased the levels of co2 in the classroom, prompting the evacuation of two classrooms in the rear of the compound. >> the reaction of vinegar and baking soda leads to the production of carbon dioxide. you could probably you know,
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breathe in some carbon dioxide that can displace the oxygen that your body needs. >> eight children and two teachers complaining of itchy eyes, coughing, nausea. two students were hospitalized as a precaution while five others were checked at the school and continued their school day. one child went home. firefighters vented the affected rooms while the hazmat unit tested the air in the school of 305th through eighth graders. >> our hazmat team has some very sophisticated tools that can determine any number of types of substances that may be present in the air. roughly three hours after exposure, the crisis passing to the point where first responders left and the students continued their day, experts say being outside in the sunny, fresh air is the best elixir for this type of exposure. >> there isn't much to worry about. >> luckily, the two students who were hospitalized are tonight home with their families. the two teachers who suffered exposure also are doing okay, and the school is still trying to figure out what happened with the vinegar and the baking soda
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and the roosevelt park section of san jose. jesse gary, ktvu, fox two news. >> all right. today was whether education day at the oakland coliseum. and guess who was there? i was there. that's right. bill martin and the rest of our ktvu meteorologists, they teamed up with the a's for the special event that brings out elementary and middle school science lovers. they gathered for a pre game event where they got the chance to learn from our meteorologist about the world of weather and science. it's something that you guys have been doing for the last couple of years. yeah, it's got to be pretty cool though to expose these kids to science and weather. >> it is, it is. and then the whole. and you're merging that with sport, right. because it's like, oh, the weather impacts these these baseball games. it impacts our lives. and so it's just kind of fun. we've been doing it for a while. mark tamayo does a heck of a job putting all this together for us. use the standard rhyme. but he put it all together and it was just a wonderful day. great, great weather too. >> yeah, two games except windy. it was windy. yeah it was windy. >> yeah, yeah. >> okay, so we're gonna see what
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you can do about that. okay. >> the wind advisory has been retracted a little bit. it's not as far into the region as it was last night. in other words, places like santa rosa. you're not under the wind advisory. but if you go east out to winters in those areas, you're still under a wind advisory. i'll show you what that looks like on a map. coming up, the wind does this. it cleans out the atmosphere. right. look at that. just beautiful out there. clean, crisp conditions, no fog along the coast. winds are clocking kind of north northeast. and that's why temperatures tomorrow should be the warmest day of the week. and i think we'll see a low 90 tomorrow. and i think we could see a low 90 again on friday as well. and then cooling as we go to the weekend. there's the wind advisory parameters and you can see him pretty much. it's going to really be funneling right down the valley. and it does pick up vallejo and it does pick up parts of napa. and it does pick up fairfield and antioch. so just, you know where you are. and it's breezy too. we've seen wind gusts. well, right now we can see a wind gust that we've got 30 miles an hour, almost 30 miles an hour in santa rosa, 21 miles
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an hour in concord. they've come down a little bit, but they're going to come back up tonight 26 miles an hour in hayward. so it's going to be a breezy night, especially in the inland bay valleys. the temperatures will let me go back one here. the temperatures right now you can see it's pretty pretty mild for this time of night. right. for this time of year it's pretty mild. and then the forecast highs tomorrow. so today was about low upper 70s low 80s. tomorrow is going to be about upper 80s. right to getting up there. and potentially we could it wouldn't be hard to get antioch or one of those inland spots like livermore valley, eastern livermore valley to hit 90 degrees tomorrow. and that's going to seem warm because we haven't really had big heat. it's not big heat in the summer, but it's big heat in may. right? and that's 90 degrees is. so as we look at the five day forecast dry dry for sure. and then temperature is just kind of they go down a little bit. heather on sunday and monday. but still really for mother's day it's just going to be a stunning bay area weekend. little fog returns to the coast but just really a nice week. >> yeah, it looks like it. thanks so much bill. appreciate it. thanks for hanging with me
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tonight too. all right. police in san rafael say they know how a grass fire started last night. coming up, the arrest and charges that one man is facing also ahead tonight. how tesla is tightening its belt after a wave of recent layoffs. and it is that time of year, you know, when high school seniors decide when they're going to go to college. coming up, we'll tell you about the special ceremony at an oakland high school where students proudly declared, will there be in norman, bad news... i never graduated from med school. what? but the good news is... xfinity mobile just got even better! now, you can automatically connect to wifi speeds up to a gig on the go. plus, buy one unlimited line and get one free for a year. i gotta get this deal... that's like $20 a month per unlimited line... i don't want to miss that.
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that's amazing doc. mobile savings are calling. visit to learn more. doc?
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fire while using fireworks. the small fire started just after 6:00 last night, and a grassy area on cresta way. fire crews quickly put it out later that evening, officers arrested 54 year old carey newman of san rafael. fireworks are prohibited in marin county. newman was arrested and booked on causing the fire, as well as possessing
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explosives and fireworks. tesla has reportedly enacted a hiring freeze following a wave of layoffs in recent months. gizmodo reports tesla has gone from posting 3400 north american jobs on its website earlier this month to just three today. 1500 of the job postings that vanished were in california and many of them here in the bay area. also, new at 730 tonight in oakland high school held a very special ceremony today for students to announce where they will be going to college. the college. know what a special moment it was? declaration day at lighthouse charter high school. more than 50 students walked up there to the podium to proudly announce where they will be attending college in the fall. >> i'm going to uc davis. >> all right? yes and where did you find out, i found out, mid march. all right. and i decided yesterday.
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>> great moment for all of these kids. the school says the ceremony aims to honor the students perseverance and academic achievement against long odds. and we wish them all the best of luck. a job fair in san francisco has some employers hiring right there on the spot. still ahead tonight at 730. details on the companies looking for workers. and then later tonight on the 10:00 news, san francisco's city attorney offering to work with oakland airport as it prepares to change its name. plus, a new safety campaign is aimed at dangerous stretch of highway in southern california. be sure o
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i'm franklin graham. the world ems to be engulfe with hate. we see it on our college campuses, and we see it across the borders. jesus christ understands hate. the world, at that time, hated him, and they still hate him today, but, you see, he camame on a rescue mission to save us from our sin. he died and d shed his blood on a cross for our sins. he was buried, but god raed him to life. and if we're willing t to put our faith and trust in jesus chris god will forgive us of our sins and hehe will heal our hearts. and the problem we have today is a heart proroblem. only g can change the human heart, and take t that hate and fill i with his love. if you've never invited chris in your heart, pray t this prayer with me right now. just say, god, i'm a sinner. i'm sorry, forgive me. i believe jesus is your n. i nt to trust him right now as my savior. and i pray this in jesus' name. if you prad that prayer, call that number right now
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that'sn the screen. we have someone who'd ke to speak with you,u, d pray with you. god bless you!
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the san francisco office of economic and workforce development, hosting this annual event. some of the employers looking to hire include sfo, lucky and safeway grocery stores, enterprise rental cars and various hotels. the hospitality industry is especially eager for new candidates as tourism starts to pick back up. employers at the event took applications, conducted interviews with some even hiring right there on the spot. okay, greening a greening effort is underway to help improve a neighborhood in san jose. mayor matt mehan and city council member omar torres were part of a group today who planted 29 trees all across calle willow business district. the mayor says it's part of an
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effort to reduce the so-called heat island effect. well, that occurs when pavement buildings and other infrastructure absorb and then re-emit the sun's heat more than natural landscapes. >> concrete pavement is capable of absorbing as much as 95% of the sun's energy, which is sent back into the surrounding atmosphere, raising temperatures. the so-called heat island effect. this is detrimental to our environment and can be dangerous for our seniors and our kids. >> funding for the new trees is included in the city's budget. also last year, san jose was awarded a $6 million federal grant to plant and maintain trees in urban areas all across the city. nice to see that being done. thanks so much for joining me tonight for the news at 730. be sure to download the fox local app right there to your smart tv and enjoy thi autiful
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