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tv   KTVU FOX 2 News at 5pm  FOX  May 8, 2024 5:00pm-6:01pm PDT

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but the white house has said its approach is to get haiti on the path to democracy. >> this week, the us southern command announced that civilian contractors have flown to the island to secure the airport in port au prince. it comes ahead of the expected deployment of a multinational peacekeeping mission to stop the violence. six other countries are taking part in those efforts, which will be led by kenya. we have, i think, for operational security reasons, not wanted to affix a public date to it, but it's something that we're working to, to, to make happen as soon as possible. according to the un, more than 95,000 people have left port au prince since early march in washington. griff jenkins, fox news, ktvu, fox two news at five starts now, now at five, nearly a dozen burglaries in two years. >> the ceo of a popular jewish deli says his love for oakland is strong, but his patience is
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wearing thin. >> we need a safer and more secure environment to be able to stay here indefinitely. >> the deli has been hit by thieves three times in just the past month. good evening everyone. i'm mike mibach and i'm julie julie haener. >> many restaurants in the city of oakland have called it quits, but the ceo of wise sons jewish deli says although he has no plans to leave oakland, something needs to change. >> new at five tonight, our crime reporter henry lee joins us in studio after speaking to the ceo. henry. why is he staying here? >> well, mike and julie, he's lived in oakland for decades and believes in the city and its potential, but he's making things very clear. the city needs to take action. car crashes, cars driving into our lobby and really taking out, you know, our lobby and our counters. burglaries in the middle of the night. since the beginning of 2022, we've had 11 break ins and we've had three break ins. >> just these past couple of weeks. >> it's been one mishap after another at wise sons jewish delicatessen at 17th and franklin in downtown oakland. but unlike other business owners who say they've had it with crime in the city, deli ceo jeff
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weinstein says he's staying put. >> we're not going anywhere right now. we're committed to being here. i'm committed to these employees in this, in this location. i'm committed to serving food, really. you know, food to our guests. >> but criminals seem committed to breaking into the deli. on may 1st, these intruders broke in and rummaged through the restaurant. in most of the break ins, not much is actually taken. but on monday night, a burglar did steal some tablets. this burglar broke into a side door, went inside and soon went back out. >> in that period of time, was that i can be as angry or upset as i want, but i need to be able to focus on what i can control. >> not that weinstein is happy with what's been going on, but something has to change for that to be sustainable. >> we simply can't afford, you know, every couple of weeks to be replacing doors, to be replacing equipment or remodeling last year, this acura mdx crashed into the deli, ending up completely inside. there were two cars that were racing. one of them cut the
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other one off, sending that other car into our lobby. >> the crash also sheared off a fire hydrant. the wreck caused at least a quarter of $1 million in damage. the deli had to close for a couple of months for repairs. in 2022, another car lost control and crashed into the deli. customers say they're glad weinstein is standing pat. >> good for him. i'm happy that he's going to stay. and you know, entrepreneurs will continue to hopefully overcome the conditions. >> so many of them are like jeff, they believe in oakland but want to see support from their city council, from their mayor and from staff. >> now the ceo tells me he wants the city to invest in more resources and to boost police presence so that other businesses also feel comfortable staying in oakland. mike and julie. >> all right. henry lee, live tonight here in studio henry. thank you. >> a new federal complaint has been filed against berkeley schools, this time not from jewish groups, but from the council of american islamic relations, saying there have been instances of anti-palestinian harassment. this comes on the same day the
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superintendent answered questions about anti-semitic acts at school, appearing before a republican led house committee. ktvu jana katsuyama joins us now. she's live from berkeley tonight, where a coalition of groups now holding a rally. jana >> yes. and let me show you this rally that has grown to more than 100 people now from across the city of berkeley. many families are here. some children who've been speaking. they say that they know that there are instances of anti-semitism, islamophobia in all neighborhoods, all communities, including berkeley. but they say that it is not widespread. and today, the superintendent on capitol hill testified in washington that they had received just nine formal complaints of anti-semitism. here, a coalition of parents and community members rallied in berkeley wednesday, saying that the berkeley school district overall is an inclusive community. >> i thought she did an incredible job today defending
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our district and the values we stand for. >> berkeley unified school district has been in the national headlines, and the superintendent, annika ford morthal, was called to testify along with the new york and maryland school officials, before the house committee of education and the workforce in washington, d.c, answering accusations of anti-semitism at the schools. since october 7th, the district has had formal complaints alleging anti-semitism arising from nine incidents within our jurisdiction. california republican kevin kiley grilled the superintendent on the federal complaint by the anti-defamation league and brandeis center, reading some of the alleged incidents. >> incidents include students repeatedly hearing anti-semitic comments in classrooms and hallways, such as kill the jews. non-jewish students asking jewish students what their number is referring to, numbers tattooed on jews during the holocaust, and jewish students being derided for their physical appearance and demonized as evil. >> the superintendent said there have been instances of anti-semitism, but it is not widespread, and that, along with islamophobia and other hate speech, have no place in the
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schools. >> our babies sometimes say hurtful things. we are mindful that all kids make mistakes. we know that our staff are not immune to missteps either, but can you just tell us in general, has anyone been terminated? in general? i can say to you that i can't speak about personnel matters. >> the superintendent said accusations of inaction are not true when investigations show that an anti-semitic event has occurred, we take action to teach, correct and redirect our students. >> we do not publicly share our actions because student information is private and legally protected under federal and state law. as a result, some believe we do nothing. this is not true. >> and there have been many signs out at the rally saying jewish palestinian solidarity. and that is something that people here tell me they want to model for communities across the country, that people can have differences. there can be people who have hate speech, but that is not what this community wants to, to see happen for the young
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people. and they are hoping that all people can feel safe here in berkeley. >> all right. jana katsuyama reporting live in berkeley tonight. jana, thank you. student protesters held a large rally at san francisco state this afternoon as their pro-palestinian encampment continues. the students say they are encouraged by word that sacramento state university has adopted a socially responsible investment policy as a result of student demonstrations. there sac state officials say they do not currently have any investments in companies that violate the policy. student organizers in san francisco say their encampment will continue until their own demands are met. >> all students across our campuses stand in solidarity together when we say united front, we mean every student in california. we mean every student through the csu. when we look at sac state, we see the accomplishments that they have made. and as you've heard here, we look at our own admin and we say, why aren't you doing this? and why aren't you standing up for us now? >> the students say sf state has
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$160 million in its general endowment. they are calling on the university president to commit to divesting from companies that do business with israel. >> late this afternoon, in an interview with cnn, president biden said he will not supply weapons that israel could use to launch an all out attack on rafah, the last major hamas stronghold in gaza. as fox's rebecca castro reports tonight, despite a statement, president biden says america's support of israel is ironclad. >> palestinians are fleeing central rafah by the thousands following evacuation orders from the israeli military. >> many are heading to a human zone where they're told they'll be safe from the fighting. but resources are depleting. >> we do not have even three shekels to buy a gallon of water. we want to eat, but we sold food and drink to buy our tent. the israeli military's looming ground attack against hamas last stronghold goes against urgings from the biden administration to stand down, prompting the pentagon to pause
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a shipment of about 3500 bombs to israel. >> drawing varied reactions from lawmakers. >> this is obscene. it is absurd. give israel what they need to fight the war they can't afford to lose. >> we cannot continue to ship arms to israel if they are not abiding by basic humanity requirements. >> secretary of defense lloyd austin defended the decision during a routine budget hearing wednesday. >> you have to protect the people, the civilians and the battle space. we've not made a final determination on how to proceed with the with that shipment. >> the white house won't comment on the delayed shipment, but just yesterday, president biden reaffirmed his support for israel and my commitment to the safety of the jewish people, the security of israel and its right to exist as an independent jewish state is ironclad, even when we disagree. delegations from israel and hamas continue discussions on a cease fire and hostage deal, but so far they've yet to reach an agreement. in washington, rebecca castor ktvu, fox two news.
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>> president biden and the first lady will be in the bay area this week with separate schedules. both are expected to arrive tomorrow and then on friday, the president is scheduled to participate in two campaign receptions. no other details have been released about the trip now. during his last trip to the bay area in february, biden met with the widow and daughter of alexei navalny following the death of the russian opposition leader. >> today is a solemn day for the oakland police department. the force held its 26th annual police memorial this morning in coming, chief floyd mitchell was on hand as the rank and file remembered. 55 fallen officers, two of them lost their lives in recent months, officer tuan lay was shot and killed in december while responding to a break in at a cannabis store, and officer jordan wingate died on april 20th. he had been on life support for years following a crash in 2018 involving his patrol vehicle. >> it takes courage to be a police officer. it takes even
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more courage to be a police officer here in oakland. the officers we are here to remember today were born with that courage. this year our hearts are even heavier as we are forced to add two more names to this wall. >> the families of officer lay and officer wingate placed white roses on an arrangement in honor of their lives and the other officers who paid the ultimate price in service to the city. after a year full of losses, a big win for the san jose sharks, and the son of a warriors executive, how the two teams will likely be forever linked with the first pick in the nhl draft. >> plus, at 530. big plans for this year's aapi celebrations in san francisco's chinatown. what organizers say will be different this time around, and how to honor their tradition safely. >> but first, a scare at a local middle school. what firefighters say happened in the classroom that made nearly a dozen students and staff sick.
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>> and barry weather. look at this. nothing but clear skies. some gusty winds though today and some warming temperatures. the warming will continue in your thursday forecast. we'll have the update coming up. higher shipping rates may be “the cost of doing business...” but at what cost? turn shipping to your advantage. with low cost ground shipping from the united states postal service. ♪
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tonight following their accidental exposure to carbon dioxide. ktvu south bay reporter jesse gary live now outside sunrise middle school with the latest on what happened. jesse >> julie, good evening to you and school officials here working tonight to determine how a school experiment using household chemicals could so taint the air. in one classroom, students had to be evacuated.
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911 had to be called. just as the school day was starting wednesday at sunrise middle school, 911 calls brought a small army of first responders to east julian and north 24th streets. ten people sickened by something in the air in one of the classrooms. >> we were just like working and stuff. and then some people started coughing a lot, like really coughing. and then the teacher came and saw what was like trying to see what was happening. and then she started coughing. >> san jose firefighters responded to the one alarm call of eight students and two teachers at the charter school, sickened by exposure to carbon dioxide, or co2, one of the so-called greenhouse gases. >> there was also a experiment that was either scheduled for today or yesterday that had to do with vinegar and baking soda. one of those volcano projects. >> school officials in an email say vapors from chemistry chemicals in a locked closet may have leaked out, possibly going through the hvac system that
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increased the levels of co2 in the classroom, prompting the evacuation of two classrooms in the rear of the compound. >> reaction of vinegar and baking soda leads to the production of carbon dioxide. you could probably, you know, breathe in some carbon dioxide that can displace the oxygen that your body needs. >> eight children and two teachers complaining of itchy eyes, coughing, nausea. two students were hospitalized as a precaution while five others were checked at the school and continued their school day. one child went home. firefighters vented the affected rooms while the hazmat unit tested the air in the school of 305th through eighth graders. >> our hazmat team has some very sophisticated tools that can determine any number of types of substances that may be present in the air. roughly three hours after exposure, the crisis passing to the point where first responders left and the students continued their day, experts say being outside in the sunny, fresh air is the best elixir for this type of exposure.
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>> there isn't much to worry about luckilly. >> the students who went to the hospital are now home with their families. they have recovered. so have the two. teachers were also exposed and the school is still trying to figure out what happened with the baking soda and the vinegar. we're live in the roosevelt section, roosevelt park section of san jose this evening. jesse gary, ktvu, fox two news. julie, back up to you in oakland. >> glad everyone's okay, jesse. thank you. >> the san francisco unified school district is facing a budget crisis that could lead to hundreds of layoffs and campus closures last night, school board members heard from auditors at a special meeting held in light of the district's reported $400 million deficit. the state has appointed monitors with the power to veto any district spending decision. >> i cannot emphasize this enough. so your solutions are yours. the state is not going to be bailing you out of anything. >> state auditors said the district needs to clearly state
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what it plans to cut in the future, and also rely less on consultants. during the meeting, it was noted the district has not had a full time business officer in several years. >> the district doesn't have to heed the advice of a consultant like they would have to of a cfo , right? so that's just like the basics that we see. like you run a business, you run a school district, and the school board has until this summer to work with those state appointed monitors to come up with a new plan to address the deficit. >> a greening effort is underway to help improve a san jose neighborhood. mayor matt mehan and city council member omar torres were part of a group today who planted 29 trees across the kyle willow business district. the mayor says it's part of an effort to reduce the so-called heat island effect that occurs when pavement, buildings and other infrastructure absorb and then re-emit the sun's heat more than natural landscapes. >> concrete pavement is capable of absorbing as much as 95% of the sun's energy, which is sent
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back into the surrounding atmosphere, raising temperatures the so-called heat island effect. this is detrimental to our environment and can be dangerous for our seniors and our kids. >> funding for the new trees is included in the city's budget. also last year, san jose was awarded a $6 million federal grant to plant and maintain trees in urban areas across the city. for two years. >> well, today was weather education day at the oakland coliseum. the a's and ktvu once again teaming up for the special event that brings out elementary and middle school science lovers. they gathered for a pregame event where they actually have the chance to learn from some of our meteorologists here at ktvu about the world of weather and science. bill martin rosemary oroczo, roberta gonzalez, and mark tamayo all in attendance at
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this very special event. >> and our meteorologist, mark tamayo, joins us now to tell us more about it. so, mark, a beautiful day. it looks like a big crowd out there. what was your favorite part? >> oh, the favorite part. always. it seems to be with the kids is that big weather balloon that goes up. it goes up into the sky. and what's neat, and it's a research team from based out of san diego, and they made the trip up to the bay area. and there, there was actually an instrument package on that balloon that went up into the sky, and they could measure all the weather elements. so at the end of the event, we were able to report those findings. so it kind of made science real for the kids and also fun. >> that's great. well, it's good to see you out there. >> yeah, it was a great event. and we always like working with the a's. and it's just yeah they lucked out with the forecast this year a few days ago we had some rain. but today lots of sunshine. although some gusty winds as well. take a look at the stronger winds as you can pick out over portions of the bay area out toward mount diablo, 61 miles an hour. vacaville 47 oakland hills at 40
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miles an hour. even closer to the surface, napa wins with 33 miles an hour. the wind advisory continues out towards solano county. other portions of northern california, until 8:00 thursday morning winds up above 40 to 50 miles an hour. this is also a warm, dry wind and as a result, you see temperatures really warming up. look at all the 80s to report for today. healdsburg 82 cupertino lower 80s, san mateo 79, and walnut creek in the upper 70s. so it has been a bit of a warming trend over the past few days. remember last weekend we were all shivering, but the temperatures are recovering quickly for today and tomorrow will even be warmer than today. so showing you this. as you can see, the satellite, the big view, the storm track, you get the sense here we have a big ridge of high pressure offshore. this is responsible for the warming, the warm up for today. right now though, we are in the clear. no fog to speak of. we have that dry northerly wind. of course, if we were talking about a drought and we do not have all the recent rainfall, we maybe could be talking about a red flag fire warning for today here in the bay area, but not the
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case right now. you can see some warm temperatures out towards santa rosa, hayward and lower 80s oakland. mid 70s and half moon bay 66. we'll check out the wind reports. look at vacaville gusting to 36. almost 30 miles an hour up at the napa airport and sfo. westerly breeze at about 21 miles an hour. so we are completely in the clear as we head into your wednesday evening. no fog to speak of and that will be the case tomorrow morning for your thursday. a mild start, low 50s to the lower 60s and then into the afternoon hours. those brighter colors resurface near 70 for the coast and the warmest locations inland. approaching 90 degrees. we'll have more on this warm up with your full update coming up in a little bit. all right mark, thank you. >> well, we are hearing today from warriors executive rick celebrini. he is the father of the player who could become the san jose sharks number one draft pick this year for the first time in franchise history, the sharks will have the number one overall pick in the draft, and they are expected to select 17 year old maclin celebrini. he
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plays at boston university and is considered a generational player. during a news conference at chase center, his father says he's trying to contain his joy, hoping the sharks actually draft his son. we were nervous and anxious, and to see the sharks win it, win the lottery was was phenomenal. >> now, obviously that's different than maclin getting selected by san jose. so that still has to happen if it happens and if he were lucky enough to get selected, you know, that's when the excitement starts. >> celebrini also said it would be a lot of fun to have a son in his own backyard, so to speak, and for his mom to have a chance to bring him a meal every once in a while, maybe do a little laundry. the nhl draft takes place in june at the spear in las vegas. >> still ahead, a close call for a man in arizona. the dramatic surveillance video capturing a car nearly slamming into a home
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then going onto a sidewalk before sideswipe ing the home's rooftop, crashing into a transformer and then landing on its side. the homeowner was inside at the time and says he's still in shock. >> just started hearing some screeching and i thought it was
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normal because people do donuts all the time, every day out there. and then i started to feel something. it felt like an earthquake. i've never been in an earthquake, but it shook the house and it was about 4 or 5 seconds. the car actually went above the wall higher than the wall. it could have landed right here where we're sitting today by the time police arrived, they said the driver was long gone. >> no injuries were reported. >> now new at five, a san jose man is in custody after police caught him with illegal guns while children were inside his car. police say it happened during a traffic stop in january . that suspect, identified as 23 year old juan rodriguez sandoval. officers arrested him and got a search warrant for his residence, which was executed in april. authorities say they seized 19 guns and found evidence of a second residence related to the investigation. inside the home. sandoval is now booked at the santa clara county main jail. the suspect in a shooting that sent two san jose police officers to the hospital remains in critical condition. >> tonight, 33 year old kevin
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briones faces multiple felony charges but will not make a court appearance until he's discharged from the hospital. the shooting happened late thursday night when the officers responded to a domestic violence call. police say one of the officers is also still in the hospital, but is on the path toward recovery. the second officer is now recovering at home, and even if statistics have changed since the peak of anti-asian hate in 2021, they're still there. >> they still live with us. >> acknowledging the past while moving their story forward. how san francisco's chinatown community is planning to celebrate aapi heritage month and a very big way. >> plus, a jury rules in favor of two local students who claim they were expelled over an alleged photo of them in blackface. what they say really happened and how the school is responding. >> and winemakers worried as the number of customers starting to decline the struggles of the bay area wine industry, businesses to appeal to the new generation
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our top story tonight at 530. san francisco's chinatown is unveiling the lineup of events to celebrate asian american pacific islander heritage month. >> ktvu christien kafton live tonight from the city. and christian organizers say this is a really a time to celebrate their heritage, but also remember the important roles those communities do serve. >> yeah, you said it, mike. we are actually in portsmouth
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square in the middle of chinatown right now, and they tell me that they have events planned here for every weekend to make sure that everybody knows that chinatown and all of our asian american communities in san francisco are open for business. they say economic strength and safety are top of mind for some parts of san francisco's chinatown are already buzzing with activity. organizers of this year's asian american pacific islander heritage month activities want to see the whole area come alive, with visitors. >> we share the month with many other special occasions such as cinco de mayo, such as jewish american heritage month. but we are here today to talk about our aapi heritage month. >> claudine chang from the apa heritage foundation says aapi heritage month is a wonderful time to welcome the rest of the world to chinatown and remind everyone that the neighborhood is open for business year round, not just during lunar new year celebrations. >> every saturday, there are six, five, six, seven events happening right here in chinatown. i think you can basically spend the whole day
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here and enjoy the programs and in between, get a bite and visit all the small businesses. >> community leaders unveiled events underway each weekend throughout the month, including lion dancing, health fairs and a chinatown cultural festival, which will shut down six blocks of the neighborhood to make way for a parade and celebration in the streets. >> this parade will definitely attract a lot of people to come and to understand our culture, to understand the community. so definitely, we're hoping this event will bring economic enhancement to a lot of merchants. >> well, aapi heritage month is a time to celebrate. many say the asian and pacific islander communities in the city can't let their guard down. although hate crimes are down from their peak in 2021, many say even at a time when they should be celebrating their heritage, many still feel the need to be vigilant. lily ho from delta chinatown, says aapi violence is an issue for everyone to speak out against, not just the victims communities. >> the asian american community relies on the support of our allies to say something and do
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something. when something does happen in. and even if statistics have changed since the peak of anti-asian hate in 2021, they're still there and they still live with us. >> now, this weekend's festivities get underway friday night with the return of the night market here in chinatown that starts at 530 again on friday evening. dozens of businesses are going to be participating. and guys, if you've been out to one of these in the past, you know that they definitely draw a big crowd. we're live here in portsmouth square in chinatown in san francisco, christien kafton, ktvu, fox two news, a hospitality and small business job fair, took place today to help support san francisco tourism. >> the san francisco office of economic and workforce development held the annual event in front of the ferry building. some of the employers looking for job seekers included sfo, lucky and safeway grocery stores, enterprise rental cars and various hotels. most of the employers are in the hospitality industry, which is getting more
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busy with tourism once again picking up in the city. >> i'm hoping to feel a receiving clerk, a steward, a housekeeper, a spa coordinator and massage therapist today. >> in the last two years, we've grown over 19,000 jobs. conferences are coming back, tourists are coming. so we got to get ready to help support the small businesses that is helping with the tourist industry. >> employers at the event took applications and some even conducted interviews and hired workers on the spot. >> the city of pittsburg is submitting signatures to get a renter protections package on the november ballot. the measure includes rent control, just cause for eviction protections, and anti tenant harassment protections. a signature turning rally was held just today. this comes two weeks after san pablo residents submitted more than 1600 signatures, hoping to add a similar measure to their ballot. the emeryville city council officially approved several measures trying to curb illegal tobacco sales. the council passed a retail licensing
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requirement that includes annual monitoring, fines and suspensions for retailers who do not comply with tobacco laws. the council also agreed to end the sale of menthol, along with other candy or fruit flavored products. they say this will help protect children who are often targeted by tobacco companies. >> two former students who sued a private high school in mountain view over an alleged blackface photo have been awarded $1 million, administrators at saint francis high allegedly expelled those students after that photo, which was taken in 2017, went viral. in 2020, during the height of the george floyd protests. the students claim they were actually wearing black colored anti-acne facial masks. a santa clara jury sided with the students and said the school violated a non-disclosure agreement. school officials say they are exploring legal options now, including an appeal. >> strong reactions on capitol hill today after tiktok files a federal lawsuit challenging a new law that would ban the
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popular app unless its chinese parent company sells it off. the law, which stems from national security concerns, goes into effect in nine months. right now, tiktok argues the law violates the first amendment rights of tiktok users and is unconstitutional, while lawmakers, though, are pushing back, saying the alleged tactics in the lawsuit are already used by the chinese government. no constitutional right to own property when it is against the national security interests or other legal interests of the united states of america. while tiktok does try to distance itself from national security concerns by highlighting its global investors and the lawsuit, it admits china does have control over what tiktok does. legal analysts say this case could go to the us supreme court. >> cal fire is urging people to protect their property from wildfires as the threat puts more homeowners at risk of losing their insurance, and city leaders in anaheim say it's a done deal for disney. >> the massive expansion plans
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for the amusement park over the next 40 years.
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the previous six months. the slump is primarily from bud light sales in the u.s. the company also makes stella and budweiser, which are seeing strong sales globally. >> disneyland has received the green light for one of its biggest expansion projects yet. the anaheim city council unanimously approved the plan, called disneyland forward. it's a $2 billion proposal to create more attractions, hotels, restaurants and shops on the west side of disneyland drive over the next four decades. the plan drew mixed reaction from residents. some praised the potential job growth, while others question what it really means for the neighborhood. >> we're financing it. we're getting screwed, not disneyland. >> what about our kids? what about our protecting everybody else, making it beautiful for everybody else, not just disneyland. you know, we have down the street, two miles down where it's horrible. >> with your historic vote, we'll get to work on these integrated and immersive experiences that only disney can
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create. >> disney plans to announce some of the new attractions at a fan event in august. the company also plans to spend $30 million for affordable housing and $8 million for city parks and workforce programs. >> this is a time also for us to figure out how do we reach a new audience in the wine industry is definitely accused of not being able to market to younger people. >> california's wine country at a crossroads with sales on the decline. up next, how wineries that survived the pandemic are now pivoting. once again also had a bumpy landing for a boeing jet. >> why the plane was forced to take a nosedive on the runway and in weather. >> a bit of a warm up today. lots of 70s and even some 80s a few neighborhoods tomorrow could be inching closer to 90 degrees. we'll have the update coming up.
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ward sales in the industry were down nearly 9% last year, and that's taken a big toll on the more than 400,000 california jobs still battling back from covid. ktvu tom vacar has the story. >> pinot noir, pinot noir, pinot noir is what nicholson ranch is best known for. >> deepak gulrajani has owned nicholson ranch winery for a quarter century, specializing in cabernet, chardonnay and pinot noirs. >> this business is like 6 or 7 years of up years, boom years
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and two three down years. and i see this kind of in that same two three down year. >> what's the wine industry going to do? it's going to evolve. >> rob mcmillan is senior vice president and founder of silicon valley bank's wine industry financing division. >> the demand is in the better wines, let's say $15 and above. >> the industry finds itself in a quadruple whammy of too many wineries, too many vineyards, too many grapes, and way too much wine on the market. add to that gen zers and millennials ages 21 to 43, simply do not drink as much as older generations do. some of them don't drink at all, and when they do drink, they go for many other choices, including hard seltzers, hard ciders, canned cocktails and other spirits and brews in the wine industry. >> right this second, there's about two thirds that are doing, you know, less than less than zero growth in sales. and then there are about a third that are
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doing a little bit better. >> in the mid 90s, the baby boomers latched on to wines, which allowed the industry unbridled growth for nearly three decades. >> this is the time also for us to figure out how do we reach a new audience. go. >> ranjani saved his business from a covid collapse by learning how to sell online. he fostered and grew the nicholson ranch wine club, as well as made the tasting room experience more than bay area visitors expected. so why is wine country's recovery still slow? >> it's not whether they have money, you know, discretion, free spending, so to speak. it's more their discretionary time is what they're using, their time, which they couldn't use in covid to go on a cruise to go to italy. >> already artificial intelligence marketing tools is helping find those new, younger customers who insist also that wineries be eco friendly and sustainable. just as important, they must adopt easy to use apps for fast, easy checkouts. most important, personalize the customer experience at all
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times. tom vacar, ktvu, fox two news. >> well, it's part of wildfire preparedness week. cal fire wants people to know the importance of having a defensible space around your property. a demonstration today simulated what can happen when embers from a wildfire land near a home, or if there are trees and brush too close to a home or a fence, the house is more likely to burn. cal fire says it's important to maintain defensible space around your home as wildfire season is now year round. over the past decades, thousands of homes in california have been destroyed by wildfires fueled by climate change, and in response, several major insurers are pulling out of california's homeowners insurance market, citing the increased costs related to the growing wildfire risk carriers, including allstate farmers and state farms say they will either stop issuing new policies or no longer review existing ones. >> editor brad, who lives in the oakland hills, is one such homeowner. he recently received a letter that he's being dropped by his insurance company of 25
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years. >> i received a letter from my insurer, the same insurer that we've had since i bought this house in 1999, saying they were not going to renew our policy, they said we lived in a high fire area. if i can't sell it, apparently now you can't sell houses because they can't get insurance. i mean, it's just a disaster that's, you know, unfolding here. >> insurance commissioner ricardo lara is trying to stave off an imploding market by relaxing regulations and giving insurers more freedom to raise premiums. consumer advocates worry the method for estimating the cost of future fires will not be transparent, and will force homeowners to pay excessive rates. >> this problems not unique to the bay area. across the country, the average aual insurance rate increased by nearly 20% between 2021 and 2023. the finance company moody reports. as insurance costs rise, the cost of buying a home has reportedly declined in 20
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states. the drop is happening in parts of the country. most prone to natural disasters like fires, tornadoes and hurricanes. >> last month, with the hottest april ever recorded that, according to the european union climate agency, which now reports 11 consecutive months of unusual temperatures across the world, some scientists say this year could beat last year as the warmest recorded year. researchers determine global heat increases are driven by global warming, which is mostly caused by fossil fuel burning and was boosted by an el nino weather pattern that has a warming impact and a bit of a warm up today here in the bay area. >> lots of 70s and some 80s, and this warming trend will continue as we head into your thursday. so yeah, that's the key headline over the next couple of days. take a look at the highs from this afternoon. san francisco 76 degrees. santa rosa 83, concord 80. and these numbers, they're warming up. we're not talking about any extreme heat. but by tomorrow and into friday, the warmest locations could be feeling hot. so it's a warm to
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hot forecast. mid 70s to the 80s to the 90s. temperatures up above the average. it looks like though we're going to drop off those readings as we head toward the weekend. but a place like concord, you can see a high today of 80 degrees tomorrow going to warm up to 88 on friday could be right around 90, and then we'll shave off a few degrees as we start off the weekend. here's a satellite today. no clouds peek up for us over california. we have this big defined ridge of high pressure offshore keeping us clear and also keeping us warm that as the source of the warming for today, we also have those northerly winds which have been picking up, wiping out the fog. and this will be a pattern that would be linked to higher fire danger. but thankfully, thankfully we still have some moisture in the hills. so we're not talking about a red flag fire warning for today. current number is santa rosa 81, hayward 82, san francisco. still a pleasant 71, but you probably notice the winds all day long. you can see right now we still have some gusty conditions out toward vacaville to 36 miles an hour out toward the out toward hayward, about ten miles an
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hour. and san jose winds gusting to 23 miles an hour. here is our live camera this afternoon. looking out toward the golden gate bridge, the marin headlands. those hillsides are drying up right now, and we do have lots of clear skies, so no fog to speak of. and that will be the story. first thing tomorrow morning. it will be off to a mild start. no more 40s. we're just thinking some 50s and even some 60s. first thing tomorrow morning. so why windy today? we have this area of high pressure off shore, this area of low pressure out to our east. that pressure difference sets up the wind for today. and also this area of high pressure as we talked about, is warming up. northern california. so temperatures will continue to warm into thursday and into friday. friday should be the hottest day inland. and then we'll bring back that cooling, that cooling trend into the weekend. we'll keep an eye, though, on a change in the wind flow near the coastline by friday. that could lead to some more fog resurfacing near the shoreline friday, so we will begin to cool things off for the coast for friday, and that will carry over into the weekend as well. take a look at the numbers
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for tomorrow. san francisco lower 80. oakland 84 degrees. warmest locations back up into the mid to upper 80s and santa rosa. could be flirting with 90 degrees for your thursday afternoon. here's a look ahead. your five day. it's warm to hot and friday, but you see, we cool things off right near the immediate coastline and more cooling as we head toward the weekend. no raindrops to worry about for the upcoming weekend, just the fog making it come back and a cooling trend for both. saturday and sunday. >> to have something if you lost 56 years ago and really have forgotten about it, and then it to surface again, and that's a that's a miracle and a homecoming. >> decades in the making. how a vietnam veteran was reunited with a memento of his time in the war. >> and it's been a month since fast food workers in california saw a wage increase coming up tonight at six, a closer look at what the law has meant in the real world for service workers and the customers
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seven, landing on its nose in istanbul, the fedex cargo plane nosedived while landing on a runway, sending smoke and sparks
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flying before the plane comes to a stop. it was flying from paris when crew members alerted the air traffic control tower that its landing gear would not open. no one was hurt. >> a potentially dangerous hit in last night's nhl playoff game between the new york rangers and the carolina hurricanes. >> here's a race for the puck for nature's who fell down as he went through here, carolina's martin is dodging new york's jacob trouba at the last second, sending trouba face planting right into the wall. >> his right leg then came down on nature's head. both players actually continued to play and the rangers went on to win the game 4 to 3 in overtime and are now up two games to none in the series. >> that was a tough one to watch. a vietnam war veteran in south carolina is finally reunited with his dog, tag, 56 years after losing it in battle. fox news adriana lawrence has this story. >> larry morganti is an artist
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and was recently featured on a lake city vendors market facebook page in march. little did he know, though, a man from across the atlantic ocean found one of his dog tags while metal detecting two years ago in vietnam. >> to have something that you lost 56 years ago and really had forgotten about it. and then to surface again, that's a that's a miracle. >> deborah lane, the manager for the vault vendor market, posted on facebook announcing larry morganti as artist of the month. the last thing she expected was someone reaching out to her saying, do you know mister larry morganti? >> and i thought, i don't know if i need to open this or not or even reply. >> but she quickly found out someone named christopher, living in sweden, had been looking for morganti for two years, trying to return his dog tag. morganti was in the air force for four years and remembers the moment he lost his tags in 1968. >> yes, running and hitting the ground. and i think that's when i broke the chain and they all
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came off. i had two in both of them came off, he said. >> after they went missing, he got replacement dog tags and never thought of it again. he says his time during the vietnam war brings up both good and bad memories. once lane put the two in touch. morganti says he could not believe what was really his tags until just recently, when he got it back in the mail. >> i mean, it could have been somebody else's, could have been a mistake, but it wasn't. it was me. >> along with the dog tag included in the mail was a letter from christopher. >> dear larry. >> thank you for your service and welcome home. i hope that this letter finds you well. and look at you today, morganti and lane both told me they can't believe how this happened, but are forever grateful. >> lane says she's glad to have had a part in this story. >> the fact that i see him now holding his tags is just puts a smile on my face, morganti says. >> he plans to keep in touch
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with christopher and continue to sell his art here at the vault in lake city. adriana lawrence. >> this is ktvu, fox two news at six. >> the superintendent of the berkeley unified school district, one of three called to testify before congress today answering questions and defending her district over claims of anti-semitism on campus. >> there have been incidents of anti-semitism in berkeley unified school district, and every single time that we are aware of such an instance, we take action and we follow up. >> this all comes as tensions remain high on high school and college campuses since the start of the war. good evening everyone. i'm mike mibach and i'm julie julie haener. >> today, some berkeley parents held a rally in support of the superintendent, saying she has done her best at handling a difficult situation. but there's also a new federal complaint from the council of american-islamic relations saying there have been instances of anti-palestinian harassment on the campuses of berkeley schools. ktvu jana katsuyama has the story. >> a coalition of p


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