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tv   KRON 4 News at 10am  KRON  May 8, 2024 10:00am-11:01am PDT

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shooting last year. and hundreds of people showing up at uc berkeley to support the protesters have been camping there for weeks. >> from the local news station, you're watching you on morning team. >> good morning and thanks for waking up with us. i'm daria and i'm james. we do want to start the hour here at 10:00am with another check of the weather. the sun's been up for a little while. yeah, things are really going to be warming up. maybe in the afternoon high john. yeah, absolutely. today got some low 80's back for us. said good to be holding out of that sunshine all the way out to the coastline, too, making today a good choice to get outside. it's been especially nice this
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morning. you look outside of kuwait hour. definitely a noticeable breeze. we've got strong northern winds pushing into the bay area today. tomorrow. it's going to be winds out of the northeast, which is more of that offshore wind. and you know what that means that oftentimes really results and warm temps all the way out to the coastline. you can see today crystal clear all the way up to the coast. in fact, not looking at much if any marine layer in this view. now, temperatures range from the 60's to the 70's and pretty uniform half moon bay and brentwood are about the same temperatures each other. so tells you all you need to know for your morning of the 2 extremes of the bay area looking a lot like one another later on today. our inland areas will see some low 80's with upper 60's all the way out to the coastline. back to you. all right. thanks a lot, john. 10, a one right now in new this morning. we want to give you an update on the big water main break. >> that caused a mess enrichment. big mess. yeah. that water rushing into the streets. kron four's will tran live in richmond, though, with a look at what it looks like now will.
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>> right now, they still have not broken ground to get to the pipe that burst. you can see they're still busy cleaning up all that much before they break ground. and we know that did the episode or see how the road rises. that's where that's clear indication that the first happening right underneath it because the water was so powerful that when it went up, it managed to push the roadway up. so they are clearing up all that mud before they break ground to get down to the pipe that burst. in the meantime, i did tell you, but an hour ago that they said it would take 10 to 12 hours to finish repairs. so this being 10 o'clock right now, you won't have powers. he's may have water. and so maybe 9.10, o'clock tonight, hopefully a little bit sooner than that. but certainly not this morning and not this afternoon because that water just went gushing
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down the streets at around 5 o'clock this morning. why it burst? well, that's still under investigation. but first, things first just to make the repairs. this is on carlson. so what you're looking at is carlson, that intersection is 47th. they're very much busy there as well. cleaning up the mess. you can see them spraying down the roadway, but they were able to shut it off before it got even messier james and area because on the other side, i never got there so that traffic is moving along just fine over there. but here, of course, the mud not to mention the break. that's going to shut a couple blocks here 47th to about 44 on carlson, at least for the next 10 to 12 hours. they did give me an update. 21 households don't have water. and if you do, the math, maybe 45 people in each house that's anywhere between 8100 people. will not have water at least
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until well into the evening. back to you. all right. thanks a lot. we'll >> and here you see the hundreds of students that have gathered at sproul plaza at u c berkeley tuesday calling for an end to the war in the middle east. >> this is a large demonstration, as you can see here and they want the university is stop investing and do business with israel. this after you can see israel is now has awesome border action going on in their ground offense what's going on in gaza against hamas. this happened as the u.s. pause, the shipment of weapons to israel. >> kron 4 sarah stinson check. she spoke with some of the students and the faculty there at the protest. >> cal berkeley students held an emergency rally in support of palestinians in rafah. they remain camping on campus. they say they'll continue to do so as well as hold these rallies
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until there's a students and community members packed in this prop was a at u c berkeley for a pro-palestine rally tuesday. protesters say they want to spread awareness about what they say is happening to palestinians as the israel-hamas war continues. he wants as they israel is bombing civilians in rafah and is closing out of the border with egypt. they're not letting humanitarian aid. and so as the situation gets more imperative, it is more of the collective duty upon all of 2 people and raising our voice is louder and louder and louder. we are living this historic moment and students are stepping in to that moment. and as i'm here with students have been camping in the plaza for the last couple of weeks making demands of their university. we are here because of the universe of california has over 500 million dollars invested
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in blackrock, which invest in companies such as lockheed martin, which produced weapons that are being used on civilians in gaza during the rally, the encampment expanded with more tents going up. >> during finals week, expansion of the can is escalation in response to what's happening in finals. i'm graduating this semester. >> but none of that matters you know, people halfway across the world are, you know, are being killed just indiscriminately campus. police have been patrolling. but it seems as long as the encampment in the protests remained peaceful, they can continue to camp here much different from what we've seen at other universities. i'm sarah stinson reporting in berkeley. back to you. >> all right. we have some breaking news to share with you this morning. the san jose fire department is on the scene now at sunrise middle school because of reports of multiple people complaining of difficulty breathing at this point. we don't know how many people are experiencing this or how many of them are
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students. but traffic is being impacted there on east julian street. we have fire crews asking the public to avoid the area while they investigate kron four's. charles clifford is actually heading there now. so we'll keep you updated as more information comes into the newsroom. >> these are employees of the oakland mcdonnell's that has been shut down by the health department because of a rodent problem. according to alameda county health department report a dead rat was in a trap near the soda cereal boxes and there were rat droppings all along a wall and workers say they were told to clean up the mess but that they were given the necessary training or tools to do so. >> we just know that best explaining and we had a proficient on the touchline. >> and they workers are calling for the owner to bring
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in professionals to deal with the rat problem. they say they'll resume working once their demands are met. mcdonald's says that during the shutdown, people who were scheduled to work will be paid, although the workers say they have not been told that. a person involved in a car crash over the weekend was found shot inside their car sunday night. police responded to a solo crash on benedict drive. and when they got there, they found the driver in the car with a gunshot wound. the driver was pronounced dead at the scene. investigators think that they were shot in that same area before crashing. anybody with information is asked to contact the police. >> one man is dead and another in jail after a driver ran a red light in south san jose crashing into a cyclist. this marks the 17th traffic fatality of the year in san jose kron four's jack molmud reports. >> locals in san jose. you could hardly hear yourself think on capital rest. the ice
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is racy. lolo farfan has worked at the jack in the box for 9 she has a front row seat to the may have read. he gets a lot of traffic. is is begun. gives she says crashes here happen all the time. but just before 7.30, tuesday card that backed up. that the i spoke. >> a driver running a red light. just like many cars did during our day reporting here, except this time the car crashed into a cyclist killing them on the it's frustrating for safe streets. advocates back siegel capital has been a problematic spot for traffic death in san jose. this traffic death, the san jose's 17th for the year and that's outpacing the city's rate of murder. >> the city is meeting, its goals. and i think we need to look at it with a fresh set of eyes. >> siegel says despite work done to fix some of san jose's wide roads, the city is not prioritizing issue. one that was created, he says by design, but they had the
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ability to break the law. they they funneled to the intersection, really made it easy for them to. >> to come there until the mayor's office sent us a statement that blames reckless and distracted driving, quote. >> moments like this are tragic reminder that speeding may save a minute but slowing down literally saves lives. and for siegel with this being the 3rd traffic death in just 2 weeks. >> more action is needed now more than we as a community make need to make it clear to city hall where our priorities are. >> and it's for safety above saving. a couple minutes right. >> now the driver of that truck was booked into santa clara county jail on several different charges. meantime, the identity about cyclist who was killed here in san jose, their identity is still being withheld by police until they can notify their family. for now, we're here in san jose jack molmud kron. 4 news. it's 10, 10 and new this morning, california representative eric swalwell and other representatives have
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introduced a bill. >> that they're trying to make home buying easier for teachers. it's called the education down payment assistance act and it would give local governments the ability to offer a down payment help 2 teachers providing to full-time public school educators and school staff or first-time homebuyers with the rising cost of rental properties. teachers have said that many of them spend nearly half of their entire paycheck on rent and this bill aims to provide teachers with some resources they need so they can have an affordable place to live in the town and in the neighborhood where they teach. >> richmond nonprofit called pogo park has won a state grant to build a new recreation center. that would double as an emergency shelter to the 10 million dollar grant program will construct contra costa county's first recs center at harbor 8 park construction is already underway for the harbor hall and it's expected to be completed by the end of this year. the 10 million dollar project will include 6 million for physical infrastructure and 3 million dollars for
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programs and events and a million dollars for evaluation and general program support. >> we're going to take a break. 10, 11 the time. still ahead, though, on the kron 4 morning news. a plan to keep o school is underway in vallejo. why officials say a new road closure will help with that.
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>> 10, 13 on the state history. the first westminster dog show is yes. and the beatles released their final album. we've got news nation's markie martin with a look back. >> today is may also known as
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national have a coke day. and that's because it's the day doctor john pemberton sold the first ever glass of coca-cola in 18. 86. >> render the great news of commemorating the day, not see. germany surrendered to allied forces in europe in 18. 77. the first westminster dog show is held in new york city. a massive fire destroyed the left field bleachers at boston's fenway park. >> the scorched section of seats ultimately replaced by the iconic green monster ball. sean connery made his debut as james bond in doctor. no. the beatles released their final album. let it be just weeks after the band's public breakup. and at 88 years, young betty white became the oldest person to ever host saturday night live
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>> ok, well, happening tomorrow, president biden is going to be visiting the bay area for a couple of days. he's expected fly to san francisco tomorrow and then our friday he set to attend to campaign perceptions. president last visit san francisco back in february when he went to 2 events in support of his reelection campaign. >> 10, 15 right now. and let's check the bird cam. everybody who loves the berkeley pella bron falcon cam now has this second live stream to watch baby falcons there on alcatraz island. looks like they're eating right now. we're told that the mom, larry hatch for chicks in this cave on the island a few weeks ago, and now we get to see them. and there's a connection between these peregrine these falcons and the berkeley once because larry was one of 4 chicks born to the famous falcon couple, annie and grinnell at cow in 2018. and as we know, and he now has a new companion, our chief and they have 4 new baby
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born chicks of their own over there. so, yeah, this is really last time. yeah. >> seeing so cool. okay. 10 16 is the time. good morning, john. i'm sure they're enjoying the weather to especially in alcatraz. they're used to the cold out there. well, used to the cold in half moon bay sometimes but not today nor tomorrow. temperatures today will rise into the low 70's at half moon bay under all that sunshine and tomorrow going to be in the 70's for a lot more of the coast. we got more offshore winds kicking into gear that's making less marine layer. president generally just sparking up some warmer. unclear whether all across the bay part of that has to do with actually the wintry system up in the northern rockies right now that low to our east and the high to our west resulting in a big pressure gradient that is stirring up some offshore winds from the interior pushing out towards the coastline today. most of those winds are northerly winds, but we do have wind advisories across the county, the central valley, upper elevations of napa and sonoma counties. and
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even a gale warning up and down the coastline due to the strong northerly winds tomorrow, it's going to be northeasterly. and that's when those temps will really kick up even further. today's highs will be in the 60's and 70's for the city as well as at the coastline. gorgeous day to be out and about hopefully have a chance to get out there. 70's to 80's for the rest of us saying carlos, down through mountain view, reach 80 degrees, south bay temperatures also in the low 80's today after yesterday's low 70's at 10 degrees warmer livermore. you'll be a- 77. it's actually warmer than you over towards oakland. 78 today. well, north bay temps anywhere from the upper 70's to low 80's as well. looking ahead to tomorrow's daytime highs. we'll be even warmer. in fact, thursday through saturday, our hottest days of the forecast nearing 90 inland, some 80's along the bay shore and even some 70's out towards the coast. back to you. thanks, sean. 10, 18 and a street. the device to schools and the is shut down. >> 2 car traffic during school
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hours. now the move is in response to several shootings and frequent speeders in the area. kron four's. philippe, your gall has the story. >> in response to shootings outside high school. the vallejo city unified school district is closing the street out front to traffic during school hours for the remainder of the school year. gun violence and speeding. >> that's really down there by the train tracks and gas station. the nebraska street closure pilot program started this week and will end june 7th. >> the school district says recent shootings and high-speed rates demonstrated in front of the high school and john finnie education complex across the street. we're deciding factors in the closure adding that the inappropriate and unsafe activities have put students and staff at risk. i really do see on list of most of the time because they always live make everybody staying but many students and staff are well aware of the concerning shootings that have happened in the area. the past 2 years. >> in 2022 of allay high school staff member was shot
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after breaking up a fight between students and a group of men. >> last year a girl was injured by a stray bullet near vallejo. high months later, a teenage boy was shot in from the campus after a football game wrapped up all of the victims survived definitely around the pandemic. >> time it's and we have been here a few years. it's definitely kind of. we've heard more gunshots since. nicole lives on one end of the closure and supports the program, but just hopes it does not lead to unintended consequences. we might have increased traffic and maybe those activities will get pushed more into our area for the next month. nebraska street between amador and pierce streets will be closed to traffic on school days. only. >> monday through friday, from 9 o'clock in the morning until 4 o'clock in the afternoon in vallejo, philippe djegal all kron, 4 news. >> the city of richmond wants to pull the plug on pg and e they want the state to use a
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nonprofit electric company instead of pg and e well, they don't have control over that. the vote is just symbolic, but it's to make a point that the vice mayor says for years the city has been dealing with power outages and other problems, including the failure of pg and e to supply energy to city parks. >> we we don't as responds. especially low-income communities and communities of color. that actually say thlt reliable and say these the think i but the ways to really take. the power. way from corporation. >> in a statement pg and e says it does not support the idea of a statewide public utility because it says that type of ownership framework would not benefit customers. taxpayers, local communities are california's economy as a whole.
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>> well, starting next month, residents in emeryville will no longer be able to use gas-powered leaf blowers. the city is banning the device because of the air and noise pollution they create and the negative health effects associated with them. the city is recommending that you switch over to electric leaf blowers, berkeley, oakland and other bay area cities have also enacted similar bans. this particular one starts july 1st. well, investors who lost money in the collapse of crypto exchange ftx are poised to get all their money back. the company's bankruptcy lawyers say that customers will recover practically every dollar they invested. plus interest their refunds will be based upon the value just before ftx went bankrupt. a recent surge in crypto market has driven values to triple what they were back in 2022. victims won't benefit from that search. the first checks start going out in a few months. >> 10. 22 right now. and coming up on the kron, morning news tiktok is suing the u.s. government now over its law
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that bans the app will see while trial could have consequences way beyond tiktok.
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>> we're back to 24 is the time and happening right now. police in oakland have released this sketch of a man they say is wanted for a homicide. that happened back in august of last year. they say it happened about midnight on east 18th avenue. 2 people were shot. officers say one died at the scene. the other was treated at the hospital and police also released this picture of a ford f one, 50 pickup truck. investigators believe this belong to the
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suspect. so if you have any information, contact police, meanwhile, the city of oakland will have to pay more than 2.5 million dollars to an employee after a jury decided they failed to protect her from harassment. at a senior center. now in this lawsuit, the victim identified as patricia toscano so that she reported a supervisor for sexually harassing her in the city's human services department. back in 2016. but attorneys representing to scott to say that nothing was done about that situation. alameda county jury sided with this condo and now the city will have to pay her again little more than 2 and a half million dollars. >> it's 10. 25 in sandra fell. police have arrested a man for causing a small vegetation fire that happened last night. let's take a look at the damage from that fire. that's the charred area. and they say the man that is responsible did this from homemade fireworks? this is on crest away in the terra linda neighborhood. residents heard an explosion and then the fire
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started behind the apartment complex. a 54 year-old nevada man was arrested and they see some fireworks too. the uc berkeley bomb squad went out there. all the fireworks are prohibited in marin county. it's 10. 26. coming up next on the kron, 4 morning news. >> farmworkers in half moon bay are going to get new affordable housing. we'll show you the renderings of the project.
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>> 10 29 right now we're checking out the weather and look at the get warmer and warmer each day, especially as we head towards the weekend. we've got john following all
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those details for us. hey, john. yeah, here we go. the word about upon us. we saw such a cool last weekend and this time around. we're looking ahead to even warmer temperatures. now, this is your view witd the golden gate bridge. skies are crystal clear out there. something we're going to see a lot more of this upcoming week as we continue to see temperatures rising already in the low 70's just 10:30am, in the morning. and we're going to be seeing daytime highs this afternoon rising into the low 80's for a lot spots. not a lot of presents a marine layer out there. we are seeing a lot of rain and snow in the northern rockies. believe it or not. that system is having its own impact on us here at home. hi to the west. low to the east pressure gradient in the middle. going to stir up some offshore winds specially into tomorrow that northeasterly wind will help to result in temperatures climbing all the way to the coastline today. it's still mostly a northerly breeze. we do have a high wind advisories through today into tomorrow now as well with 45 mile per hour. wind gusts and solano county and upper elevations of the north bay.
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today's daytime highs are definitely on the warmer side. rising back into the 80's for san jose nevado antioch to concord, low 70's towards the coast in half moon bay and upper 70's and hayward, oakland and san francisco. tomorrow's daytime highs will be some of the warmest of the forecast, in fact, tomorrow through saturday. so really the core of this little spike in temperatures with upper 80's to low 90's inland 80's along the bay shore and some 70's in some cases all the way out to the coastline. james and darya looks good. thank you. 10, 30 right now on the peninsula. new affordable housing is coming from farm workers in half moon bay. yeah. so the san mateo county board of supervisors voted on the approved it unanimously, by the way, authorizing millions of dollars for these new homes. time force. michael thomas has the story. >> approval would allow up to 50 new manufactured homes to be built in this area that you see to my left and specifically would help out those farm workers who are affected by last year's mass shooting. take a look. these are renderings of the new
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community put out by the san mateo county board of supervisors which approved close to 6 million dollars this week to build affordable housing for coastal farm workers. in total, the project will provide. 47 new manufactured homes built on 5 acres of city-owned land. the areas about a half mile away from downtown half moon bay and sits at the end of a cul-de-sac where million dollar town homes are located. carl bolton who lives in says he likes the idea as long as it's done correctly. i have watched a project goal. >> the entire time and i think we need affordable housing for folks we need. we need we need this. >> while the approval came just this week, the idea stems from a county commission report that was done almost a decade ago back in 2016, which found the need to improve the quality availability and affordability of housing for farmworkers in the area and last year's mass shooting confirmed that report when officials discovered just how bad living conditions were. mister bolton says he's okay with the idea but not everyone is fully on board. i mean, >> there's some controversy
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among our homes association in terms of of the valuing our properties of things. but i weldon development here this clean and a affective, it's not going to affect the certain currently, the project is still in the permit process. but officials say if all goes well, 28 of the 47 units will focus on ownership for farm workers using the california joe certain junior farmworker housing grant program. >> however, no eta has been given quite yet. multiple neighbors in the area tell me they're ok with this project and the idea of it as long as it's done correctly. however, no eta when construction would begin has been give it. >> that's the very latest reporting in half moon bay, michael thomas frvm for >> it's 10 32. and you know, we had a lot of storms, a lot of fire emergencies the state in recent years. there's a new bill in the legislature that would create a fun to assist communities that otherwise can qualify for assistance. a group of lawmakers introduced
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a bill to create 100 million dollar really fun for those who are not eligible for federal or state assistance the extent of damages in their community or because of their immigration status. this would also establish a 400 million dollar, california local assistance program to help tribal and local governments rebuild after disasters. it's a win-win across the state. hopefully nothing ever happens. but if it does, we have a plan for our communities that are going to suffer because >> once again, we can't rely on the federal government because of of the bring at least we have our own from we should create a sustainable program that will make sure that for any future to know that if they don't qualify for federal assistance, that the state will step in. >> and make sure that these communities are taking care of. >> the money for the fund would come from the state's current greenhouse gas reduction fund. and right now there is no formal opposition to this bill. >> in the south bay, police
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were pretty busy over cinco de mayo weekend. the resting nearly 90 people in san jose. the police department says officers made 17 felony arrests. 18 warrant arrest and 52 arrests for misdemeanors. they say most of the crimes committed involved fights, duis and sideshows. >> we had a significant amount of activities popping up all over the city in which we had to try and utilize resources and take away from the celebrations to try and combat. officers were getting bottles thrown at their vehicles we had officers had been assaulted people driving drunk. we had one vehicle crashed into a patrol was doing a diversion and injure officer. >> well, police say 2 people were also stabbed over the weekend. one is still in critical condition. but police say despite the arrests this year, the majority of folks celebrating behave themselves had a great time. and the police department says they're looking forward to celebrating next year. >> 10 35 2 people including a teenage girl are in the hospital after being struck by a hit and run driver in san
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francisco. a police chase the driver from the tenderloin through north beach before it all came to an end right outside our studios here along the embarcadero kron four's. dan kerman has the story. it's here along the embarcadero at green street where san francisco police took the hit and run suspect into custody. this after at least the 3rd incident of the day when the white mustang he was driving slammed into this parked car. no one was injured at this location, but that's not the case at the other locations basically, >> and i'm like police say. it all began just before 08:00am the suspect's vehicle hit a pedestrian near jones and market tire tracks are clearly visible. the victim, an urban alchemy employee, was taken to a local hospital and will survive. police say a few blocks away. officers spotted the suspect's vehicle driving recklessly when the suspect failed. the yield when officers initiated a traffic stop. police say a vehicle pursuit began about 9.30. the
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chase reached francisco middle school. it's their police say the suspects vehicle hit a 14 year-old girl who was crossing francisco street from the main campus to the auxiliary campus so that there was crossing the street from building to building and was in the crosswalk. >> and the guy was running out of, you know, running. because the police, they went off so he put the good here. we have a good he can run supervisor. aaron peskin who represents that neighborhood says the girl was taken to san francisco general hospital with a fractured shoulder and ankle. but will survive. it's at that point. police say they shut down the chase to to safety concerns. >> minutes later, officers spotted the suspect's vehicle stopped in embarcadero in green. it's their they took the suspect into custody. francisco police are allowed to conduct vehicle pursuits under certain circumstances. >> with these chase protocols followed in this case. supervisor peskin says both he
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and the police are evaluating that right now in san francisco, dan kerman kron. 4 news. >> where millions of muslims around the world not only for not only it an investigation is underway now and is this happened last month at a dinner for graduating uc berkeley law students and this pr up grab the mic and gave a speech about ramadan and the war in gaza. and then the woman who see grabbing the mic there. she's one of the owners of the home that was thrown this general store at the home of brookly law professors. and you can see in the video she grabs the microphone away from the students as is my house and asked her to leave. according to nbc news, uc berkeley is now launching civil rights investigation in the allegations of harassment made by the protester. and the protesters continued to camp out at san francisco state. and the university president
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actually met with some of them. the students are demanding that the university cut financial ties with israel and the president of the school says that the school may consider avoiding investments in israel based on quote, the mechanics of war. >> okay. now to some developing news this morning. tiktok is now suing the u.s. government after president biden signed a law to ban the app unless the chinese owned company sells itself to us company kron four's. catherine heenan has more. >> we're in some very unusual territory. the u.s. government has passed a law that effectively gives it the right to take away one of the most popular social media apps in the world in arguing against the new law. tiktok says its app is an important avenue for expression. >> pointing out that more than 170 million people in the u.s. use. it roughly half the country. it says that by taking away the government is infringing on our first
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amendment rights. meantime, is there really a significant security threat posed by tiktok? >> what i think is interesting here is that the for the last few years now the government keeps saying there is a national security concern with tiktok and we've heard of this now under republican and democratic presidents and in both cases, we have not gotten the details, right? the government has not made its case to the american public about why this hugely popular app should be banned. it just teams, gesturing and national security. and i think that's part of why this case is going to be so fascinating. >> there were renewed calls to ban tiktok after the october 7th hamas attack. some users saying more anti-semitic contact was showing up. others argue the new law is an attempt to suppress pro palestine voices. in any case, the fallout from a trial could reach far beyond tiktok. one
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of the things that tiktok makes the case about in its >> filing against the government. is that a number of other social media companies and apps in general would need to be banned under these rules that the government has set out effectively it saying that if you're going to treat us all fairly, which, you know, the constitution says equal protection under the law. then it's not going to just be tiktok tickets band. it's going to be a lot of stuff. and i think that is going to be an interesting part of the debate as well. if the law does not go away, he ensure thanks tiktok would just leave the country. no sale. >> but many would be surprised if this does not end up before the supreme court. catherine heenan kron, 4 news. >> all right, 10 41 is the time. still ahead on the kron 4 morning news, san francisco considers closing off a portion of the great highway to cars permanently. we'll to cars permanently. we'll have the story.
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plus is safe for use around people and pets. gotcha! zevo. people-friendly. bug-deadly. right now you can get a free footlong at subway. just buy any footlong in the app and get one free. just scan the qr code and enter promo code flbogo
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it only works from the other side of the screen, buddy. you still got a land line in your house. order now in the subway app. >> 10 43 right now and are developing story is how to develop this area of san francisco. yeah, well, it's been a topic of conversation for a while now. do you shots the highway to cars? that's the big debate that goes back and forth. there is a plan to close a one-mile stretch to traffic in. this will be permanently as early as 2026 covers. charles clifford has a look. last week san francisco's land use and transportation committee advanced a plan to close most of what's known as the great highway extension between slow to skyline boulevard for decades. erosion has eaten away at the beach and bluffs between the ocean and this section of the great highway.
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>> cleaning sand off the roadway has become a constant problem, especially after winter storms. there are also frequent closures of this section of the great highway. more than a decade ago. san francisco develop a long-term plan to deal with climate change and erosion along the city's western edge. in closing, this portion of the great highway has been under consideration ever since in place of the roadway. the city wants to build a network of trails a plaza and possibly a staircase leading down to the beach. but the plan is not without problems. that would need to be addressed for one. the main entrance to the san francisco zoo is along this section of the great highway. if it closes a smaller entrance near 47th avenue would need to be redesigned. all right. for neighbors we talked to on tuesday were in favor of the plan, noting that the erosion problem is getting worse. think it's always had a fact further down the park. they're not going to close at us. boy, the time plan will still need approval from the san francisco board of
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supervisors. >> they are set to discuss the issue later this year. but for now in san francisco, charles clifford kron, 4 news. >> it's 10 45 in the east bay. >> check this out. a driverless public transportation system. it's in the works. >> for contra costa counties are called glide cars you can use of yet. but when you can, they say they're going to help cut down on traffic and ease public transit. accessibility for pittsburg, antioch, oakley and brentwood. >> justin is a real climate change is also a real thing. and so you can get people out of their cars, take the environment, ensure that like everybody's needs. you know, we're going to see asian to ensure that that happens. >> glide cars are expected to be up and running by 2030. >> 10. 46, a time for your money this morning. rent prices continue to outpace wages. rent prices here in the u.s. have soared 30% since 2019. while incomes only ground by 20%. over that same time, according to zillow,
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rent has increased more. then wages in 44 of the 50 largest metro areas, the median rent in san francisco, by the way, is a little more than $3,000. well, it started very sports. and the san jose sharks actually have a great advantage going into the nhl draft or this summer kron. 4 sports director jason dumas explains. >> we had the nhl draft lottery on tuesday afternoon san jose high-level talent in a major way up and down the roster. and guess what, someone was looking out for them. >> the first overall selection in the 2024 nhl draft belongs to the san jose sharks. >> there you have it. the sharks will have the first pick in the nhl draft. this june will have an opportunity to draft someone with a last name. you may have heard macklin celebrini. he is expected to be the first overall pick. he is the son of
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rick celebrini, the director of sports, medicine and performance for the golden state warriors there. the family is in boston after they won the title in. 21. there they are behind for larry o'brien. trophies. obviously macklin is very familiar with the bay area. now he played juniors in illinois and then played his college hockey at boston university. here in these highlights his number. 71 is a very, very talented two-way center. he says he can impact a game, both offensive lee and defensively. the draft is on june 28th in sharks. general manager mike greer all but said celebrini is his guy. i think he's got a special mentality. >> to make make himself better, push himself super brings it every day in already has a 17 year-old kid is going a great level of professionalism, terms. i think he gives himself every chance to succeed your thank you for us. it gives you know,
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the along with, you know, logan and granted you know, possibly have. another. you know, another really good centered on the middle. you know, it's exciting. >> other news, the a's they lost to they lost and then they have a double header against the rangers today and the giants. they snapped a four-game losing streak against the rockies they'll take them on again tonight that look at sports tolose speaking of the draft, how about the nfl? >> fans are going to have to wait another week for the release of next season's schedule. the league will announce the full slate a week from today on may. 15th. it's the latest schedule has been released since 1990. usually comes out earlier. apparently the delay might be due to the league's christmas plans. there are talks that they might play 2 games on christmas, which falls on a wednesday this year. they and
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previously said that they wouldn't have christmas games if it fell on a tuesday or a wednesday. >> all right. anybody like playing nintendo? well, endo says they will announce plans for a successor to the nintendo switch sometime around march of next year. the company also says because of that, they're not going make any hardware announcements at their nintendo direct event in june. so the company, as we know, launched the switch back in 2017. they say they expect to sell about 13 and a half million more of those devices this year. although some video game experts think with this upcoming announcement, maybe some fans will hold off and wait to see what they unveil before dropping money speaking of unveiled. >> apple unveiled the ipad. i think crowd for needs a new one because this not super they can now compared to the rich demuro takes a look. the ipad is getting some upgrades with new display technology. plus a processor that's faster
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but uses less energy. >> and then all new apple pencil is finally getting find. my built in which means hopefully you'll lose it good morning. >> welcome to apple park. in a prerecorded event in there now signature slick transitional style. apple unveiled new ipads, updated editing software and a new apple pencil. this is the strongest ipad lineup we've ever had. first up the ipad air, which is now powered by the m 2 chip and is 50% faster than before for the first time ever. ipad air comes in 2 sizes. it still comes in the familiar 11 inch model, but also a new larger 13 inch model. the cameras been moved for easier video chat in landscape mode. 2 colors include blue and purple prices. start at $599 and $799.
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>> next up to ipad pro's also in 11 13 inch models, the new ipad pro. he's even thinner than the ipad nano, which makes it the finished apple product ever. they have a brand new m for chip inside, which is 50% faster but uses less energy >> plus, led screen technology. they start at $999 and $1299 with a storage of 256 gigabytes. as for the new apple pencil, it's going pro. the new version lets you squeeze to bring up tools. plus there's new haptic feedback. it sells for $129 and has find my built-in. she can locate it more easily. finally, apple dropped the price of the 10th generation ipad launched in 2022, it's now $349. this beans, third-party retailers will likely sell it for even less. >> you can preorder these
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apple products. now they're available next week. that's rich on tech. i'm rich demuro. >> and look who's getting to see the kron. 4 morning news live west oakland middle school. give a shout out. hi, guys. we'll be right back with more in just a couple of minutes.
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>> all right. 10, 54 is the time. and as we're about done here on the kron 4 morning news, let's check in with jessica wills. find out what's coming up today live in the bay. good morning, jess. hey, good morning, james. coming up today on live in the bay. >> the spirit, a race that's been a staple of the city since 1912, we're gearing up for the celebration of bay to
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breakers. is national mental health awareness month. we're learning about some toys that can help kick start the health and wellness conversations with kids. plus, it's a curriculum to help individuals tell their authentic personal stories. we learned how the million person project is helping people to stand out and harness their superpower. and as always want to hear it, you have to say about our question of the day today. we're asking, who is your celebrity crash? all you have to do is scan that qr code that you see right there. and we may just reach or answer live today on the show at 01:00pm right here on kron 4, james, just my wife, just your wife. i'm saying no one holds a candle to her. so thank you, jess. think all right. 10. 55, the time. >> wow. okay. so if you ever wonder what it would be like to be into the middle of a black hole, now you've got a chance because nasa has some new animations that you can
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enjoy right from the comfort of your own home. this is a simulation that they put out on youtube. and apparently you can watch 2 different versions of it. one in which the camera show you what it's like. if you head straight into a supermassive black hole that it's all black and you disappear and there's nothing there. and the like it's all weird. but that's okay. but this is what they think it would be like to go inside. and then the other one is if you fly around the edge of a black hole, so check it out. it's on you pay. you know, we also want you to check out right here on kron 4 every thursday. >> we have of special story highlighting the bears api community and it all leads up to our thursday. may 20rd special, which is at 6.30. and before we go, let's take a peek at the 7 day around the bay forecast, which as you can see is going a warmer and warmer. >> until some folks may get close to 90 were saying 89. >> right now for the inland spots friday and saturday. all right. what 10, 57, we're going to say goodbye. joined by our new friends from west oakland middle school.
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students, by the way, journalism just to do their own tv show and now they get to learn how to do thanks for being here, guys. we'll see you tomorrow. >> mom. now is your big >> mom. now is your big chance. haha.
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announcer: today on dr. phil-- they've spent nearly $1 million in a custody battle. jim threw me on top of his rolls-royce, and he tried to bite the nose off my face. untrue. according to you, you've never done anything wrong ever? i have finally found the perfect father.


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