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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  May 8, 2024 11:00pm-11:16pm CEST

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the, the, the state of the news line from berlin, the us steps of pressure on israel, not to launch a full scale assault on rough on the city and southern gaza comes under renewed bombardment, defense secretary lloyd austin, says supplies and ministration held back a shipment of bombs to israel last week, also coming up to the witnesses and as built on a german politician, the latest ends of in raising fairs over security will hear from a former neo nazi who now runs an anti extremism program. the
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article fairly welcome to the program. the us is stepping up, it's opposition to israel's plans to launch a full scale assault on the city of rockland, southern gonzo. the white house held back a shipment of thousands of funds to israel because of concerns about how they might be using rafa without a plan to protect civilians there. that is not deterred israel from bombarding the city. and the army also says it's moving in to kill hamas fighters. unlimited operation, just short of an invasion. that is with us. officials are calling israel actions and rasa. this footage released by the is really army on wednesday. choose troops pressing forward with the defensive on rasa. israel says it's part of its campaign to eliminate mos of the we are continuing on our mission and rough
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uh, as part of the war aims. because the last 4 um the last 4 battalions of come up. so that we will destroy them is really forces have ordered the evacuation of more than a $100000.00 palestinians. from parts of rafa had its operations. they had been directed to places like wasi, a squalid mix shifting camp that the un says is not ready to shelter people. these really military has closed the roof of border crossing. it now controls all routes in or out of garza in response, israel's closest ally and mean military supplier. the us has paused some weapon shipments and is reviewing other military aid for government. going to continue to do what's necessary to ensure that israel has a means to defend itself. but that said, we are currently reviewing some near term security assistance shipments in the
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context of unfolding events. in or off on thursday. the us has pushed for a ceasefire deal. come off, agreed to a proposal from egypt and guitar this week. but israel says its demands have not been met. now that israel has entered rafa, hopes for a potential pause in the fighting or hanging in the balance. and the status of 1000000 some dies on every more city ground. jakob schindler is a senior director of the counter extremism project. and i asked him how this pressure from the us could impact israel's operations and drugs as well. first of all, it's important to understand that when the big deal go signs at all, so i have to pay against for ukraine. there was $618000000.00, yours dollars for israel 8, including you maintain a but also records that the attached. what they have paused is the delivery of barre latch for the 2000 pound phones and equipment that make dom bombs into
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smartphones. also of elijah variety, something that you really shouldn't use in a dense urban area like dropbox, if you do want me to abrasions, actively media terrace organization. so it is very much, it can definitely take a stick, not because it's very on you for the rest optimization to hold arms deliveries to major allies, speeds ukraine or be this way. and so it's a vague care political signal, meaning telling me for the way that the americans want this operation to be productive, very targeted, very careful. which extreme care for any collateral damage that may be cost. you wouldn't need those forms. and then it was on the auction, the senior director of the counter ex treatments. i'm a project to talking to us earlier there. let's have a look now and some other stories making headlines around the world today. brazil is struggling to cope with the aftermath of deadly flooding, following record breaking brain and the sound through the country. at least 100 people are confirmed dead in rio rancho to so for streets have been turned into
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rivers. those governments has promised aid for more than 160000 displaced people active as have staves. another protest at the lou museum and parents to call attention to food and security. the food response group posted stickers saying, resistance is vital next to the famous painting. liberty guiding the people by the clock is the latest in a series of protests involving art works. the hong kong appeals court has granted the government's requests to ban a popular protest. song theory to hong kong was often sung an anti government demonstrations and 2019 critics say the ban further or rhodes, freedom of expression, since paging cracked down on the protests. here in germany, a former mayor berlin has been injured and an attack at a library. social democrats, francisco, defined now the cities economy minister was head over the head buying a sale, and wielding a bag containing a solid object,
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a 74 year old man has been arrested. no series of reason. incidents is fueling fears about the security of politicians and activists. here in germany, the latest and the eastern city of dresden was caught on camera by the w crow on the front of the new campaign event. tons ugly green politicians set upon by to bystanders threatening our commer team. and the queen's number is that most spinster we've joined yvonne most. she was running for local office in the east and her party. the greens have become a point target of political violence and recent months. and this is kind of this, but i think it's especially important in this district where you have a lot of non voters to maybe motivate them again to vote until at least show your face. and to say we're here, in fact isn't the of the to move to another area. the nude became tense. a group
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nearby sound has a bond to nazi slogan. for the following is the party then this happened until 9 with us robin was supposed to be you know, you're breaking the law. what are you doing this lot documented the evidence. another group started happening. her and her team pulling a pair of files they decided to retreat back out to see i go mail, you see that the arguments are not founded, but it's something they've picked up somewhere else. it's not porton s, as all,
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i'm just honestly, i haven't had this one before. actually it's a new one for me. but yeah, we'll keep on fighting, but becomes a writer. but that i've got saw before that confronted the the, the, that picture right now are all the camera off in the old. can someone call the police like you to need that photo? you bloody green. i'm the a is that much day? are you crazy as the parent of the group on demand that they delete the pictures? witnesses try to reach the police most most for them. i'll do my food to now that's my so my 1st of all, it took a long time before we got through to them, john holmes, and then they didn't take the master seriously. and then they said that they will take 5 to 10 minutes, even though they were told that threats were made against the group. and just so, you know, the police station is
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a 3 minute walk away from him as it up in the ships. i'm extremely personally disappointed and i think this is something we will have to talk about. at least offices eventually arrived. official say they're investigating the suspect for salt vandalism. i'm still using unconstitutional slogans. a short while ago i spoke to former neo nazi turned anti extremism: trainer access guides about the search and political violence. every neo nazi is a right wing extreme, this but not every right wing x. and this is a neo nazi, but i'll be, is not the neo nazi popped in by neo nazis a working together with the of the, of the, of the members of the belie, i'm and they make a new nazi if their workers, their, their systems. and so on. so there isn't, isn't a great difference in the working, bought in the, in the output. now the, the, off, the decimal to have the, again,
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the new not to say, i don't say we want the fault, right? we don't want to change history. they don't say we like all those sit lot they making right wing policy was out. neil announced the spandex. mm hm. now, getting back to this politically motivated violence, everybody's asking, of course what, what can we do to stop it? so as someone who was an active neo nazi, what do you think needs to be done to prevent politically motivated attacks like these and you know, restore face and politics in democracy in institutions. what was it in your case, maybe also that convinced you to kind of, you know, leave that scene. yeah it's, it's a long way. it's not like we can do a sprint, and i say, well, we have to do this and bet on every single be fine. because the situation is very complicated and there are many influences. yeah. but the 1st thing i can say, what,
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what is better than to react on ready cubby's ation is to prevent it's yeah, the, i'm a certified violence prevention trainer. and i go to schools, make um, make workshops with children and twist with youngsters and teenagers. so i hope that they learn from my fault and that they see what hate and what violence makes was people and society. but it's no good before they act like that. and we should do this more often. we should do more for all or other children. we should teach some medium competence so that they have an understanding that not everybody who share some use with sam shell the reality by the point of view. it's a remarkable journey you described there that was actually guides anti extremism advocate. such an important work you do. thank you so much for your time. thank you very much. i or the kenya now were thousands of people are being evicted and their
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homes demolished as weeks of heavy rain and sleep. widespread destruction. the government has ordered families living and low lying slum neighborhoods to move to higher ground for their own safety. another country empty. okay. kenneth flag. informal assessments. i've been cleared as part of a government directive. people leaving, besides 3 of us and have been told to leave their homes beside that one of the items that may be right there on my needs just housemates from home. i children have lost all their belongings. like many of us, she was close by surprise. by bit the munitions we were not giving enough time to leave. the president made the announcement and the next minute tractors were here, demolishing homes. we needed a period of at least 2 weeks so that everyone could plan. the next move will do. it was the mother of 5 said she has no other place to go. she and hadn't
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a buzz of 5th nights out in the cold. comfortably that destroyed houses. she says people living in flints neighborhoods actually ted differently on vehicles. one though, i knew if we were in the rich area, the demolitions would not have happened in the same manner. the rich and safe, but we are not because they are wealthy, they get to keep their homes. um, my financial situation is what led me to live here. you know, i'm wondering, i don't have a choice. no, not today. not a big government save living close to revise is illegal and that the demolitions can prevent for that. that's as more bad with approaches taking the human rights from each one has like use the governmental scan of the study and victoria. these guys, as and like you recently, even the residents whose houses have been the more least feel that a government has to have more teams when the truck says started bringing the houses down. and the reason for the demolitions is not the flooding,
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and many of the houses here were not touched by the flood water. it's like the government is looking for land to build their affordable housing. now some residents have taken my test into their own has shutting down that one, hold on. it's on the like they told us they will come tomorrow with tractors and demolish our housing. so we're saving whatever we can before they destroy our property. the, the material will help me either rebuild somewhere else or i will sell what's in good condition. it will be better for us to save what we can and the thoughts i can as president as a homeowners, those buildings had been demolished. so big event, they crew by the end of 7 to give us compensation to help them relocate. but people like maybe wait there, feel the government of law just just tried that homes. my dad lives to uninstall from the news for now after the break and the w documentary examines allegations of racism within the german health care system at the top of the next
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hour. and the howard will have the latest headlines for you. there's more news on our website course as well. that's d, w dot com and on our youtube and social media channels on the call for lee. thank you so much for your company today. by the can you see what cod tires have to do with you? production here's a hands on business. so the real media watch now on youtube the the dr. bismark a for a is b c. the gp has.