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tv   Reps. Bush Tlaib and Others Hold Press Conference on GWU Protests  CSPAN  May 9, 2024 2:24am-3:20am EDT

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police. fix. [inaudible] come on, come on, come on. >> are right. are you already? >> in my talking? it's okay it's okay. >> the mics are all hot. >> it is okay. all right, we're going to go to get started good afternoon everyone. we are here i am standing with my amazing sister in service none other than the fighter but the mother to so many of us congresswoman rashida tlaib. and we are here and we are
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asking for everyone to respect the space. these students have been through a lot and i want to preface with that. butreetin and thank you all for joining us. i am honored to be here today with the student organizers from george washington university. some of whom were just released from jail mere hours ago after being arrested. after preparing this week congresswoman rashida tlaib and i for a sham hearing republicans had called to pressure the d.c. government to oppose a student organizing under the guise of combating anti-semitism, which they perpetuate openly and frequently. we woke up this morning to the disturbing news d.c.
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metropolitan police department had a rated gw gaza solidarity encampment and assaulted, pepper sprayed and arrested the nonviolent student protesters in the middle of the night. while you were sleeping. this is all happening because of those who refused to stop the ongoing genocide in gaza think they can arrest and brutalized their way out of the situation. they think they can intimidate and erase the overwhelming voices for peace and justice. they think they can jail dissenters and silence the wide consensus among people in this country that there should be an immediate and permanent cease-fire. these students are here today to demonstrate they refused to be silenced. from gw you to wash and everywhere else students have been violently beaten without provocation. they've been arrested and
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charged with disproportionate offenses. they been suspended or barred from campus. they've been denied access to food and medical services have been barred from walking acrosss the stage event wrongfully smeared in a shameful attempt to erase the humanity of that many jewish students that have been instrumental in these protests. i know what these intimidation tactics feel like i will never forget the brutality that we face on the streets of ferguson a response to our calls to and police brutality. police used tear gas, pepper spray, rubber bullets, batons, shields, fists and boots against us. the national guard called us enemy forces that labels black identity extremists. politicians condemned us. those of us on the front lines
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were traumatized but we knew the time would come that would prove we are on the right side of history and it did. time will prove the same for the students currently protesting across the country. behind every attempted to silence a protester is an idea that those in power do not want people to hear. students are protesting all across the country because they believe our government has failed to recognize the comment humanity of all people. there protested because they oppose our governments silence and complicity in the death of at least 35000 palestinians. they are protesting our government's complicity in the genocide and humanitarian crisis of a famine, disease, and other pervasive suffering. they are protesting their university complicity in these mass atrocities including netanyahu ongoing invasion in
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rafah over a million people including 600,000 children are sheltering with nowhere to go. the protest is not meant to be comfortable. it is meant to be disruptive. if you don't want folks to protest, then prioritize humanity over profits read humanity over your donors. humanity over your property. this is how justice is one. it was true during that women's suffrage movement young women were arrested, jailed and force-fed which led to the ratification of the 19th amendment. it was true during the civil rights movement when the students led freedom rides, lunch counter sit ins and boycotts what's culminated in the civil rights active 64 the voting rights act of 65 it was true during the student led movement against the vietnam war would organizing at universities the movement to resist the draft the youth red led nation wide
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movement led to the end of the war and campaigns to divest from south africa by students led to the end of apartheid. throughout history, people chose not to listen to the students with the vision and the courage. today i invite my colleagues on both sides of the aisle to join me and my sister rashida tlaib and these brave students on the right side of history. that change must happen. change must happen and until it does our days cannot go on as usual pre-palestine. thank you i now turn it over too to my sister in service the only a palestinian american in the united states congress who deserves our respect, our love and our ear and who deserves all
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of our love and honor. going to make myself cry progress she does this all the time. >> you deserve it. >> invite look at her we start crying it's not going to stop progress after rashida tlaib it will hear from miriam single, and callie. >> thank you so much. all honors to these amazing incredible students. free, free palestine. free, free palestine. >> on all the democrats and republicans to know they cannot arrest their way out of this growing dissent. every corner of our country people of different faiths, different colored skin, ethnicity, background of different types are coming together in saying palestinians deserve to live. that is something that again we should honor and respect and love on all of them for saying it over and over again. last night, under the cover of darkness when mayor bowser was
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set to testify before congress come before our committee police and pepper sprayed brutalized and arrested nonviolent student protesters at george washington university at 3:00 a.m. this is an explicit attempt to repress students exercising their first amendment rights to purchase their university's complicit leak, complicit actions on behalf of israeli government genocide of palestinians. i want to be clear these students first amendment right does not end when they enter this campus. it always stays on them as americans, have people in human beings in this country. it is outrageous police are entering college campuses across our nation with their guns drawn. targeting students with pepper spray, tear gas robert bolton tasers. shame it. >> very. >> chamber books is incredibly disturbing that my colleagues are so quick to denounce student
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protesters silence about young people, about why they are protesting. when cory and i reached out to them i know cory has been amazing and making sure she staying in touch with them. i think both of us is a mama bear want to make sure they are okay is it please do not be distracted. please talk about palestine. so i'm going to do that. there are no universities left in gaza. israeli forces have killed over 35000 palestinians. they have slaughtered over 14000 children. the entire population is on the brink of starvation. israeli forces are currently invading rafah 1.5 palestinians including over 600 children are trapped living in makeshift attempt without food, clean water, sanitation, medicine or any form of shelter to hear a mother has to choose which a child she has to feed it is
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shameful. there is nowhere as safe as a students have been trying to tell us over and over again. they've been trying to tell us nearly 80% of the civilian infrastructure has been destroyed. they have been telling us stop funding a genocide. all across because of the medical system has been deliberately destroyed intentionally. that is a war crime. students are putting their bodies online to demand their diversity divest from the same weapon manufacturers under are settingbombs to murder innot children in gaza. we will not stop in defending these students until this ends peers going to happen in regards to the genocide it must end until there is an immediate permanent cease-fire that includes complete withdrawal of israeli forces from gaza at the release of the hostages and arbitrarily detained palestinians. these students are saying save lives no matter faith nor ethnicity this is something i
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feel like is being completely ignored. why are they out there? this is why we are proud we are proud to use our position in office to bring these voices so you all do not forget white there are encampments white their movements of dissent around this country with that i'm going to have callie come on up too. >> sorry. [applause] [applause] >> hi everybody it will be giving a statement on behalf of the dmv students for justice in palestine is also george washington student coalition for palestine pete i will open and then two of my beloved friends and organizers will continue the statement. my name is callie. as israel's u.s. backed the genocidal campaign of gaza rages on for the eighth month israel slaughtered over 40000 palestinians and displaced nearly every single person while
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holding them under siege in open air prison now with no means of escape. we, as american college students recognize it is our moral imperative as a human being to take a firm stance against the complicity of our universities in this genocide and all atrocities that israel has committed against the indigenous palestinian people for over 75 years. two weeks ago students across the d.c. metropolitan area joined a national fight for justice. our encamp in a solidarity with key palestinians in protest against the ongoing genocide in gaza was quickly met with overwhelming community support. more than we could have ever imagined. we quickly found a fellowship in our collective outrage and gives institutions upholding the genocide. our demands for our universities across the dmv including george washington university, georgetown, american, george mason, howard, university of maryland college park the university of maryland baltimore county are disclosure of financial ties to corporations
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complicit in the slaughter of palestinians. divestment from all such corporations. and all academic ties to zionist israeli institutions which have always been a fundamental to upholding the state system of settler colonialism, apartheid, occupation and genocide. protection of pro- palestinian speech on campus amnesty for all students who have been disciplined for such free speech already. these demands are always meant to be settled over negotiations table. we've repeatedly stressed our administration to our university president that we are willing to negotiate to the kind of dialing dialogue our universities claim to encourage. from day one of our encamp at you to be sued negotiation team has invited president grinberg to the table so they could dialogue and come to an agreement. instead of inching towards an agreement on any term, members of the administration at gw have publicly allied about engaging with us while working to violently clear our encampment with police violence is the
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first night. since the date when we have understood the monster before us it is a collision of academic institutions, administration, police, congress of the state at large to protect the interest of the israeli occupation of palestinian lands. they've affirmed a blatant mischaracterization of the encampments naming them as anti-semitic and dangerous in order to justify the crackdown on student territory we have seen across the nation. posted to services a local center gog has even provided a source to facilitate these services we hosted prayer services throughout orthodox christian holy week and daily prayers from some community members. additionally chaplains and spiritual leaders from a vast array of traditions have regulate comp to serve the community at the encampment. dmv s jp encampment has proved itself to be actively inclusive
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of all people of all religious backgrounds and faith traditions. a vision of the world we seek to create together. we have received a meant support from professors, alumni, parents, families, blue-collar's workers, small business owners, religious leaders doctors of the united nations special on the right to education. then came it started as an effort by students alone but evolved into a new found space of collective care, grief, and hope for all people from all walks of life in the dmv. this show of solidarity, community devotion to justice is a testament to the collective power we wield the resilience of the communities that are far too often overlooked and abandoned by the people who are supposed to represent them. president ellen grinberg slandered call for police intervention against her students in the d.c. community from her ivory tower not visiting our encamp at once. if she had come to cs at the
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encampment, she would have witnessed the value it provided the community. a microcosm of the radically different world we strive for. a world founded on solidarity, love, accountability and collective care. our community has demonstrated this kind of world is possible and that is terrifying to those who thrive off our isolation, separation, and oppression. by comparison george washington university, is the greatest fire has disposed of nearly all the resources in the encampment left behind after the metropolitan police department forcibly removed all demonstrators. george washington university dispose of dozens of tents that could have housed our neighbors. food that could have fed them and a medical aid that could have protected them. while our encampment built system to redistribute excess food and supplies to local people in need, george washington university
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facilitated the violent destruction of our mutual aid infrastructure revealing the protection of the people is not and never has been the universities concern. >> shame. >> the defamation our encampment has received largely from reactionary politicians and the oversight committee hearing which intended to validate it has only served as a distraction from a 76 year long occupation in palestine. 215 date long genocide and a 36 hour ground invasion and rough up. while politicians and university administrators debate issues of student affairs may cause discomfort for the actively fund and encourage the continued displacement of 2 million palestinians and the massacre oe of over 40000 encounters. >> the idea this site of cultural exchange and community education was more deserving of a congressional than the
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ruthless and internationally condemned genocide military campaign is reprehensible. while action was immediately deployed against the student movement highlighting the cries for immediate permanent cease-fire and the end of the siege and occupation of the lands, note material effort has gone towards preventing universally denounced ground invasion of rafah freight on precedented catastrophic grief, and death, destruction and displacement of palestinians as we speak. but saying this, we have learned is to put ourselves in the path of violent repression. at 3:15 a.m. on wednesday may 8 washington d.c. metropolitan police officers and circle are renamed martyrs square. in the middle of the night violence struck officers met
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protesters with pepper spray for the first time since the 2020 protest affirming a black lives matter. this is a manifestation of a dangerous precedent the police have full authority to severely brutalize people fighting against america's systemic racism. mpd officers amazed students as they attempted to leave the area. mpd stated just this morning guided by a commitment to public safety. they demonstrated otherwise shoving students to the ground ripping off and depriving disabled persons of needed medical support last night's police brutality set multiple se protesters to the emergency room. shame. >> to give one example of the egregious cruelty our community was subject to at the hands of the police officers handcuffed a protester in their wheelchair.
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the protester upon release from jail this morning, sure the police refused to properly secure their wheelchair in transport to the separate trail they took them too. which estate serious safety hazard. the police repeatedly made ablest threats to knock over the protesters a wheelchair or push them out of the van as well as making ablest jokes about their wheelchair at the entire time they held the protester in their jail cell. >> shame. >> by comparison our communities was available to all we were in constant communication with those who need support. we have asl translators also engaged our crowd and this language allowed for learning and growth. we had medics on site who understood and prioritized needs despite george washington university attempting to limit student access to medics or multiple days during the state encampment. we made sure to take care of all
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community members and await the violent state would never understand. through the cultivation of intentional culture of care. miriam? i'll be finishing up the statement before we get to our personal stories and experiences with the encampment. last night brutal assault of students and d.c. community members was done at the request of george washington university. the administration has continuously framed of violence as the only option regarding our encampment. this is a bad retelling of what the past two weeks of the encampment has entailed. administration time and time again refused to formally meet with a prepared group of
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students negotiators while touting to the public that the students the original actors unwilling to come to the table. we wholly reject the notion a police raid was the only possible outcome to our protest. especially given the violence that was exhibited. surely it was the most convenient outcome for university that wishes to silence a pro- palestinian voices but certainly not by any stretch of the imagination a necessary one. however with support from congress and a mayor unwilling to stick by her residence, was emboldened to do so. >> shame. >> this however is unsurprising as it reminds us to look at parallels in the destruction and occupation of rafah. occupation forces and brutalized innocent civilians and daily
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while the immediate looks away because palestinians have been portrayed as violence for decades. that has led to their dehumanization. or all of this that violence is backed by the administration congressman and is really trained police that reign of violence on our campus against our students and against our community. yet, the violence pressing against our community pales in comparison to that which we are seeing in the u.s. to that which we are seeing -- make it pales in comparison to the violence we are seeing in rafah the distress they are soliciting from our community as a minor compared to the loss of faith in the world they are feeling. yet, a member will steadfastness they are displaying as the ruling powers of the world are silent throughout their genocide. but we refuse to be silenced. for we understand and attempt to
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silence us, to suppress us to abuse us is simply because our bodies are serving as a vehicle for their voice. we speak as a voice in the heart of this empire. we are here. we'll keep screaming. we will keep fighting. and we demand all eyes are on qatar and palestine. all 32 of our community members who have been arrested have thankfully been released. wheat rejected gw description of what took place last night as peaceful or orderly. the assault of protesters within the encampment deconstructs their claim the police serve to protect us. rather it is abundantly clear that the police serve to protect the interests of the elite. the mace on people's backs as they ran away from the police is a testament to their desire to
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cause harm regardless of whether or not we obliged by their orders. they are violation of the headscarf's sexual assault. their mistreatment and negligence of disabled people is shameful. their careless destruction of the home we built over the past two weeks whether it be the library, the foods, the educational services and of him above all our space of dialogue in care and seer human care for each other thousands of people have engaged with is abhorrent. but the connections we have made. the solidarity we have strengthened and the movement that we have built. the university and the police aggression towards our community has only fueled the flames of our righteous anger and a radical hope for a future of the
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sincere justice and liberation. we will not stop fighting until you get it. you best believe that we will not stop fighting. every action the police, the university and government committed against us last night's is antithetical to the values of our encampments. we condemn their violence. there community disengagement and endangerment. their unwillingness to communicate their commitment to furthering the genocide. you may have gotten rid of our encampments. you may have forced us to physically leave with egregious force, but our hearts forever remain in the square with her siblings in palestine. let the echoes of our community haunt you forever in fuel our struggle for eternity. free palestine. >> free palestine.
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[cheering] [applause] [inaudible conversations] i am so sorry that personal statements i did not know that. i am so sorry. >> we spoke on behalf of her student organizations paired who want to talk a little bit about her personal experiences as well put all three of us have been in this in camera for 14 days. i'll talk a little bit about my experience here my name isn't callie i'm a student at george washington university and organized with student coalition for palestine. i bit in the camera for 14 days. i have watched people i love it be brutalized by our government and our administration within the last 24 hours.
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just as i've watched over the last eight months the people of gaza be slotted with her government stamp of approval in our university funding. i watched our university hundreds president ellen evict, suspend send the police to violently alter protect their donors and their investments in companies that fund and facilitate genocide and occupation of palestine. i've watch and hurt watchband student for justice chapter, destroy every space from anti- zionist groups and spread the type of racist propaganda that allows for this violence to be committed against us my time at gw as someone who is part of the anti- zionist community has been made miserable by ellen and today it was manifest in the form of physical violence. if she had any shame she would resign. but alongside ellen i have watched house republicans like chairman macomber work alongside democratic mayor mayor bowser to send the mentor liberates out of the middle the night we were
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sleeping they knew they would not have cameras on us. in the last 24 hours i have watched my fellow students, my close friends be amazed by police had ripped off being thrown to the ground. had their hands and zip tied to their wheelchairs, their head smashed against makes it so hard their glasses cracked instead of resting and recuperating them i like i'm here because rafah is still being invaded i am here because gaza is still undergoing u.s. funded genocide and none of us can arrest while the shameful universities and governments continue to support this injustice. our congress, our university, our mayor in our place of all work together to rightly suppressor student movement despite the fear of suppression we remain steadfast in our demand for total divestment for total financial transparency for protection of insight zionist. because note fear is greater than the underneath bombs and airstrikes in gaza for a stand
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here today to reiterate the student movement will not rest. matter what we are faced with total divestment from the genocide until the liberation of the palestinian people. shame on muriel bowser. shame on ellen shame on the federal government shame on this congress for the fascist cracks on free speech of students as well as oblate support for genocide in gaza. we owe it to over 40000 martyrs in palestine including 17000 children to keep all eyes on gaza as israel conducts the horrific invasion of rafah 1.6 million are trapped. we are more obliged than ever to fight for the liberation of palestine because what i experienced 12 hours ago is nothing compared to the experience of living in gaza is nothing compared to the fact i have awoken up every morning and last eight months in the first thing i do is ask if my people and palestine are alive the last thing i do every night is know that when i wake up, 40 or people will have been murdered by israel with our tax dollars.
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i sent all of my love to the student movement in all of my solidarity to palestine. thank you. [applause] x hi again. i am miriam. i am a jewish student and protester. i have been a part of the george washington university encampment since thursday april 26. i was a barricade inside of art square for three days in which i was denied access to bathrooms, medics, and legal observers. however my morale was kept up by the hundreds of students and community members who showed up to show solidarity once the community reclaim the yard the beauty of the space we created became even more clear. as a jew i've been taught about
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my people's long history of fighting oppression. i have learned that it is my responsibility as a jew to fight oppression wherever i see it. my parents instilled in me the idea which means to heal the world. the space we have created has been incredibly inclusive. we have had a wide range of interface affairs we have had two services, i even, because i was not -- did not have access to anti- synagogues growing up i was never able to be the mitzvah we had a rabbi bring a torah scroll to the encampment to give me that ceremony. [applause] i feel safer as a jew insight at the encampment than i do anywhere else.
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that is because i know all of my comrades, all of my community values collective liberation for all people. for palestinians, for juice, for everyone. i know our safety is intertwined as one of people i will never be safe and free until the palestinian people achieve complete and total liberation. the only time i have felt unsafe as a jew has been at the hands of the repressive university administration the violent police. this morning i was arrested along with dozens of my comrades and held at a jail site for over five hours. still, i stand here demanding divestment from our universities because i have too. i demand an end to all complicity. all active facilitation of genocide because i have too.
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the violence students have been subjected to at the hands of the police is directly tied to the brutal tactics of the israeli occupation forces. we know our costs are is really trained we know the tactics they are currently using on us. the brutality or students are currently facing. those tactics were developed by the israeli occupation forces and practice on the palestinian people. while our university in d.c. have been subject to brutality there is not a single university left standing. the ils israeli occupation forces have murdered over 40000 including over 17000 children. over 1 million palestinians are animate risk of death in rafah
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there is no are safe for them to go. let us ground ourselves and the urgency of this fight for palestinian liberation. all eyes on rafah now. [applause] >> hello. first name i am a palestinian american. my family is from gaza. i have lost count countless dozens of family members to the genocide in gaza. they all were murdered at the hands of the zionist state of israel. i start with that to say just
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how rare it is we get to hear palestinian voices i feel very privileged to be up here. incredibly privileged because i can actually be a voice for my people. as a palestinian, especially in the united states, it has been -- i have lived here almost a decade. it has been very isolating to have to experience what my people, my own family my own flesh and blood have had to go through. not just in the past seven months but in the past 76 years and over 15 years of siege. on my own. had she would do it all essentially on my own. because we are erased from the conversation entirely. we have been dehumanized for a very long time.
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we have been told that our people are less valuable. just by virtue of the rhetoric that either that media, the congress, the general cultural conversation, we are told that we don't really matter we do not get as much media coverage regardless of the fact that for example for over seven now we have over 47 killed dozens been killed every single day and enraged in russia and still we are told nothing can be done about it. nothing can be done. so, then came along this a powerful revolutionary student movement. a student movement that reinvigorated all of us. especially the palestinians who felt isolated, like myself. for the first time in a decade i
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felt like i had built a true home here. in those two weeks. a place where i can fully beat myself, unfiltered true to my core values, to my core values of community of collective engagement with each other. with love and purity. instead we are called savages. we are demonized it is shameful and unwavering in their stance for total and complete liberation that it seen as a threat. a threat by the university. by the governments which all work together to shut us down with the brutal force.
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learn from each other, engage in community activities and show each other that a better world is possible for our people and all of those in solidarity. and what do we get? police coming at 3 a.m. brutalizing us, reminding us of the time i sat watching the tv when i was a kid and one of many operations that had been done, killing a couple hundred, a couple thousand and no one
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batted an eye. a little bit of media coverage here and there and that's it. the world moved on. and for what? for once, our movements which have become so powerful that we have built over a very long time build something incredible, something game changing and what's the response we get? i get physically assaulted by a police officer multiple times. pepper spray that hasn't been used in over three years in the city. all for what? because we demanded that we deserve our dignity, our rights, our liberation? shame on anyone who tries to change the rhetoric and make it mischaracterize the movement or change it into something that it is not. it is about community, love,
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total and complete liberation for the palestinians. too much has been done to us for far too long. i have spent too many nights eyes glued to the television watching my people died feeling hopeless watching people get killed relentlessly murdered feeling i had nowhere to go and the student encampments come about and those are shut down with brutal force. you can shut us down but we will return. this movement is a long-term movement and we know that because we know our ancestors had to experience it and we are experiencing it and we are trying to set up future generations because this struggle is deep in our very blood to our core. it's what we are made of and we
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will continue on. you shut down our encampment, now it's a barren yard with nothing on it. well done. you did it. something they failed to do in any of the project is. we did that and they tore it down with violent force. we will come back i promise you and we will see the liberation of palestine.
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[inaudible] and the second question [inaudible] >> i will answer the first question i guess. i think it's also something that's relatively novel and very, it brings me some hope that we have these congress members that are actually willing to back our movement and believe in our values and they are reminded to keep their eyes on the genocide that is happening, to remind people that palestine has been occupied for
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over 75 years. this is something that is new in this government and we are glad that they are actually standing up for free speech as opposed to other members of the congress who claim to do so on until it depends from what they want to hear. to keep on pushing the issue that there's still a genocide that it's being invaded right now. so the countless thousands die another day, we are very thankful for that. to answer the first question i don't know if you saw my speech on the floor, one of the most powerful statements that came out in regards to protecting the
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rights of the students in the united states constitution has been the civil liberties union and it's incredibly important to quote him. the civil liberties union, aclu said, quote, as you fashion responses to activism of students and faculty staff it is essential you do not sacrifice the principles of academic freedom and speech that are at the core of the mission of the respective institutions. again this is so core into something we will continue to uplift. enforcement of the current law is what is needed. right now the first amendment rights of these individuals is the american value. they have the right to decide and that is what we are doing. we just have to make sure they are protected and continue to be enforceable under the constitution. in regards, to be clear, i've
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been waiting for the wardens. i don't know how many more people have to be slaughtered at the hands of the genocidal. many people would be pushing forward. there seems to be constant hesitation. there shouldn't be. in the form of genocide, ethnic cleansing, he's not pretending. he said it over and over again this isn't me and the congress woman telling you. it's netanyahu telling you what his intentions are so that is enough evidence. he's telling you i want to ethnically cleanse palestinians from gaza. a war crime after war crime i'm tired of opening videos of mothers putting the name of their children on their bodies because they are worried tomorrow they won't be able to identify their bodies. this is shameful. and again they need to be able to apply the law equally to
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every country and in this case i hope again that they are held accountable. he's telling you what he wants to do, but he's already done and that he is not going to stop [inaudible] first of all, i've been the child where the parent is like you're going to do what, where. my dad at first was like please go home. he didn't want to see me brutalized. but then later he realized why i was out there. so, to those parents, your
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children, let them be who they are, tell them their rights and how they protect themselves. open up the space for them to feel safe with you and whether it is connected with aclu or those that can give them information and then go with them. be with them because the students are leading which means there are folks that need to follow. as parents we can follow and let me say this, i took my kids to the protests when they were 13 and 14 at 15. my kids were there with me and then my dad came with me. it's a generational because we were standing up for not only ourselves, but the legacy of who we should be. this is a country where we are antiwar, pro- humanity and we stand up for each and every person starting with those that are the most marginalized and
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vulnerable. >> i'm glad you asked a question about parents. as protective parents i have a similar mother. to this day she's like where are you. i'm 47 and a member of congress and she's asking me. you know how it is. like we don't want trouble. my mother is that person that grew up in the 50s, 60s, 70s and 80s in the west bank and occupied territory. but i love what corey said. if it was my kid i would probably be in the tent with them, but i can tell you when i was at the university of michigan encampment was glorious
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i was like what is he doing why is he unzipping the tent and taking pictures. and they are just letting these folks that are trying to agitate leave him alone. i was watching and all of a sudden one of the students got up to talk about the armenian genocide and another got up to talk about the palestinian, and i thought it was so incredible to see the different communities into backgrounds coming together on the sense of fighting oppression against anyone no matter who they are, and it was just beautiful. watching on friday during the call of prayer for the law and on saturday for people celebrating sabbath, it was incredible to be able to see that on campuses. i think parents would get so much out of it and i think as parents the university needs to hear from you. they are hearing from other parents and they need to hear from you.
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they deserve to have their first amendment rights protected and if i can get my mother, she would call and say leave them alone they are students saying people should live. why should that be something looked down upon. >> we are way over. >> thank you all so much.
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